Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Idea

Over the past year or two I have thought about a subject that has penetrated deeper into my life: personal apostasy. I've had family members leave the church, but that was a while ago. In the past few years I've had several roommates leave the church, some declare they were homosexual, etc. I've really thought long and hard about why people leave the church. That is not exactly why I'm writing here today.

Sometimes when people leave the church they become antagonistic towards it and religion in general. Back when I checked Facebook more regularly I was always disappointed in friends posting huge essays (along with daily smaller comments) about religion being stupid or some intellectual reasoning against religion. Also many essays on homosexuality, anti-mormon propaganda (kinderhook plates, temple ceremonies, etc.) and other things.

It was as if the social network was not only good for keeping in contact with friends, but spreading beliefs be they true or untrue. I have often thought to combat this.

I was religion writer for the newspaper at BYU and I wrote for LDS Living. I've come into contact with uber amounts of anti-mormon propaganda, interviewed religion specialists from across the country. I think it could be a good thing for me to do, given a certain amount of dedication.

Most recently I heard of a couple I knew very well from high school. I even had a crush on the girl for a while. I thought these individuals were spectacular and that together they were amazing. They have now left the church and are somewhat anti-religion. They have made me think more about this project. I often thought about doing it alone, but decided I'd throw it on here for thoughts.

What if we started an essay blog or essay collection on facebook. We could call it Writers for Religion or something. If we had more time, we could do a podcast. Basically, this would be like a religion column in the paper, like the ones Orson Scott Card does for Deseret News. It would be about religious topics that we feel are pertinent to our time. One major one I would want to do is the logic of God. If our faith is to be tested, would God give us a 100% fool-proof scientifically proven test? Would there be questions about ceremonies, archaeology, the Book of Abraham? I've written some about this because I had a roommate who loved logic, but couldn't see this simple logic for why we have unanswered questions about our church.

Any thoughts on the subject? It could be another project we toss in the trash can, but I might still do it alone....sometime in the future. I see the great value of it and what it could become. It would just take some effort.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Holy Macarel!

I'm in Chicago!

Just seems weird to me, that's all.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Man

Like a good many historical figures who've come and gone on this Earth, I think Steve Jobs gets a good deal more reverence than he actually deserves from people who don't even know him. However, he's a person I've thought about a lot (not just in the last two days), and I think I'd like to distill some of those thoughts here. I hope you don't mind.

I have to admit that the sudden passing of Steve Jobs had more of an effect on me than I expected it would. While I have been what might be called an Apple Fanboy for a very long time now, I've really only owned about four Apple devices in my lifetime: my current MacBook Pro, the PowerMac G5 that Gemini bought, a 1st gen iPod Touch (2nd-hand), and an Apple //c I picked up at DI a few years back so I could remember the good ol' days. I've never met the guy, only seen him in video clips from the heady beginning days of the personal computer industry and at the more recent product launches. We have known for a while that he was ill, that he was going to die sooner than later, but even so, I was surprised at how sad I was to think that he'd actually gone.

Steve Jobs was an influential person. That much can not be argued. I take issue with the idea that he singlehandedly "invented" the iPad, iPod, or the iPhone. Even the original Macintosh was not purely his brainchild. However, it's easy to imagine a world without Steve as a world without any of those things. His broader influence is more difficult to measure. Many innovations have been attributed (sometimes accurately) to him: the Graphical User Interface. Good computer typography. The Personal Computer itself, as a really personal, usable thing. What would things have been like without his influence? If he hadn't built the NeXT computer, would Tim Berners-Lee have had a platform on which to invent HyperText and the World Wide Web? What would the Internet look like today if that hadn't happened when it did? Would the good guys have defeated the aliens in Independence Day if Dave didn't have a PowerBook? It is my guess that most of this stuff would have happened anyway, eventually. Progress is not one man. When people have needs, they solve them. Stuff gets done. People like Steve Jobs, though, are somehow ahead of the game. They know what we're going to need before we get there. They accelerate progress. That makes it sound like only really good marketing, which Apple certainly had nailed, but real innovation is more than convincing us we need to drink more soda and get fat. You can't argue that the stuff that came out of Apple didn't change the way we live, and not in a way that makes us fatter.

I think Steve Jobs had a different kind of influence on me though. I appreciate the ubiquity of smart phones, and the freedom normal people have to make movies at home. These are wonders of technology, but the person who was Steve Jobs was so much more than a great technological thinker, and I've spent a lot of time thinking about how the man's mind worked. This was a guy who got stuff done. If his interest had been transportation instead of personal computing, the kinds of vehicles we'd be using now won't be thought of for another 20 years. He seemed to transform the reality around him to fit what he thought it should be. The Reality Distortion Field actually worked in reality -- your reality. I don't think there is a name for that quality. Some have called it charisma, but I think it goes way beyond that. Maybe manic charisma or something. However you slice it, Steve Jobs was effective, in a way that I dream about being. He had a complicated personality, and I can't say that much of what he did personally I would find emulable. His ability to pull vision into reality, though, will always be inspiring.

Really influential people are all over in history. We read about them in books. They invented light bulbs. They advanced science and thought. They sat under apple trees. The things they did influenced the way we live our lives today. Usually, though, such figures of genius are just stories in books. They aren't even real. They may be written in history, their feats cataloged in textbooks, but how does that make them any more tangible than figures of Greek Mythos? Characters like this are not mere humans. Their feats are unattainable because they are made of different stuff than we are. They are immortal.

Jobs has already been compared to a number of these figures, and in some ways rightly so. What's unique about him, in my frame of reference, is that he was alive last week. I shared 27 solar revolutions with this creative genius, and am among the most immediate recipients of his passion and work. He wasn't in my textbooks growing up, he was on the news. I watched the things he did change the world radically before my eyes. I remember a time before Pixar, and have him, in part, to thank for some of the best movies I think have ever been made. It's a silly thing to say out loud, but Steve Jobs was mortal. Putting his accomplishments next to Newton and Galileo and Edison and the others reminds me that they were mortal too, and that is inspiring to me.

This is probably the question I most commonly ask myself when thinking about Apple and Jobs: what can I learn from him about being that effective? Is there an essence of "genius" in there somewhere that can be distilled and drank? The answer changes from time to time, and mostly revolves around hard work, but I'm grateful to have such historical figures to remind me that it's possible. Jobs is probably even more inspiring to me because he is so current.

It's no good to think of what might have been had he lived another 10 years, and to do so would be completely out of character with his philosophy of living. Still, it's sad to see him go so young, and a little depressing to think that he'll never again walk out on stage in his blue jeans to take forever to make a dramatic product announcement.

But, there are other geniuses out there. More people who will change the game in some way or another. More figures to be written into the history books. I imagine that somebody else will captivate our imagination and strike involuntary awe in our hearts. It won't do, though, so sit around and see who they are and what they come up with. They're not.

Steve Jobs was bold. He was inventive, influential, fearless, and effective. He was a man.

And so am I.

May he be remembered for the good he brought to the world, and in a way that inspires us to be so passionate about what we love. May his legacy for us be that we too can be among the crazy ones.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I touched beauty today

The title says it all. I touched it. I got to hold it and use it. What am I talking about? The Wacom
Cintiq 21 UX. Creativity flowed through my fingers and into photoshop. No keyboard, no mouse. Just me, the pen, and the screen. Heaven felt closer.

The end.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Calling All Nerds for Help!!

Setting aside all silly semantic conversations about faith, I'd like to get your views and input on a very serious subject. (P.S. I've not yet read the extra comments on the faith discussion)

Nude models. I'll just put it out there.

A free class has them and a class I may be required to take has them. Yes, I may be a mature adult, but I don't want to necessarily go around drawing naked women as a married man. Don't want to remember those images, even as mature as I may be.

Lots of people think it's the only way to learn to draw the figure. The professor who is really sticking to that point also said to be weary of absolutes. If that is the only way, that's an absolute.

  • I have a model who poses for a long time
  • It is live. Photos are worse for drawing
  • Drawing enhances the memory of something and so I have a memory of naked woman (other than my wife) in my brain
  • Awkwardness
  • I'll never show those pictures to anyone

Do it and get a degree (which I don't necessarily need)
Don't take those classes, work harder with real, clothed people (who may not pose) and not get the degree. This might not matter because my ultimate goal is an MFA and I only need so many upper division courses of a BFA to apply and get in. Hopefully. Portfolio would be the largest criteria for acceptance. At BYU, where I would love to attend again, has life drawing, but guess what? They are more clothed. You still get a pretty good view of the proportions, just not the nether regions.

It's not that I'm trying to be prudish or "holier than thou." I just kind of don't want to have to deal with that.

What are your thoughts? What does your wife say? How would she feel if you had to draw a bunch of naked women? They may be old, ugly or they may not be. Oh, and I'm not so concerned about the male figures. But maybe a married woman would be.

Thanks ahead of time. I know we may differ on semantics, dreams, and almost everything, but I k now we can have good, intellectual, supportive conversations.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Weekend

I have it on good authority that Nate et al will be down this way this weekend. It has been suggested we might do something fun together. Like eat.

If that is to be, I'm available Saturday late afternoon (anybody interested in an early-morning mountain hike behind sheep is invited), and we might be able to work something Monday.

What'c'all think? Can one use two apostrophes in a single word?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Erised, Vision, Faith, and Identity

Also published in the U.K under the title “The Long-windedness of Ked”

I also engage the long-ness alert!

vision |ˈvi zh ən| noun

1 the faculty or state of being able to see

the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom

a mental image of what the future will or could be like

faith |fāθ| noun

1 complete trust or confidence in someone or something

Elder Oaks, on visiting our mission answered a missionary's question on faith by saying that it is trust, just like above, so I like this definition.

I tried to simply everything you said by making an equation. So, if I summarize correctly, your equation would be

vision + faith = success

Now, we should probably clarify each section of the equation.

Vision is the ability to plan or imagine what the future will be or could be. In an address to Harvard, J.K. Rowling talked about imagination. She didn't speak about it terms of creating whimsical fantasies. She worked for a place like Amnesty International where refugees came in. She said that imagination was important because it allowed people to hope for a better world. It allowed Britains to think of a better world for refugees and it allowed the refugees to dream of a better life than war, famine, and political turmoil. Change came after imagination and I must say that with that imagination came hope.

Yes, I believe vision is important. “Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18).” Sure this may be centrally about revelation, but I think there is a correlation. If you have no vision, your goals aren't as clear as they could be and really you aren't going anywhere. Like Alice. If you don't know where you want to go, it really doesn't matter where you go. Stephen R. Covey says start with the end in mind.

So, vision incorporates imagination and hope to some extent. Well, I think most of us try to imagine good things.

Now faith. When I first read the Lectures on Faith I was surprised that Joseph Smith used such a basic example of a someone planting seeds and having faith that they would grow. So, as I have thought for a long time there are two kinds of faith. Sort of. The first is trusting that as we do what is asked of us then we will be blessed and eventually we will be saved and exalted. The other faith is not necessarily more secular but less tied to eternal salvation. It is believing that somehow we can accomplish something. However, I still do not think that this version wholly separates from religion. It is a principle of power in the eternities to believe in something that is not yet or something that can be. So, while the thing being undertaken is not essential to our salvation, it requires an element of faith to actually complete it. Perhaps it is faith that, in our status of being children of God and with the help of the Atonement to overcome our weakness, we can accomplish anything we really need to and want to (if it's righteous). I don't know. But I do know that many non-religious people know that faith is important. Look at psychology. They teach people to change their thinking and believe that things are going to happen. This is true for addiction, depression, etc. If you believe you are going to lapse again then suddenly WHAM! It happens. However, it is when they believe a change is coming that actual things start to happen. A change in the brain to have a more faithful attitude and eventually even alters brain chemistry. Whoa. Heavenly Father hardwired our brains to use faith. So, I guess there is one faith to salvation and the other is to accomplish things.

In 1 Nephi 5:5 Lehi says”But behold, I have obtained a land of promise, in the which things I do rejoice.” Lehi has already claimed the promised land before he's gotten there! What great faith! So, maybe we should say “What a great radio show we did!” Also a thought! Perhaps he also had vision of it. Perhaps he simply had great faith and said “let's go!”

But we know that faith needs work. Without it it's...finito, kicked the bucket, gone to the great ice cream shop in the sky, pushing daisies, do not pass go and do not collect $200, dead as a doornail (where did that come from anyway?). Does finito work? It just sounds cool. So, Lehi got a promised land and then packed up his gear to head towards it.

So is this modified correctly? vision + faith + works = success

But it seems like something is missing. These things could lead us to success. But what about the motivation part? You said yourself that the rewards for a radio show should motivate you enough. Should the rewards alone produce the faith necessary?

My brother once worked for a company that built amusement park rides. A customer company asked them to build a roller coaster with a “whisper quiet” ascension device. Maybe you've been on one of those roller coasters where you ascend and it goes CLACK! CLACK! CLACK! Well, my brother's company signed the contract saying they'd build that. Hmmm....Nobody had such a thing. The technology hadn't been invented yet. However, they knew they could figure it out. Simple faith that it could be done. Why not? Their incentive was a lucrative deal. Was that what produced their faith? Or encouraged their faith? Or was it the fact that they knew the power of invention and that was their faith while the money was the motivation? Something to think about.

Sometimes motivation comes from what we want. What would you see in the Mirror of Erised from Harry Potter? However, have there been things that I've thought I wanted and just didn't have what it took (motivation) to get them? Yes. Herein I've discovered something else that may come in to play. I shall give an example from my own life.

Numerous times in my life I have had the desire to write novels.I've had some great ideas. One idea caught me like fire and for months I couldn't stop thinking about it. I kept a little notebook and wrote some sixty pages of notes on ideas for the story. In about five months time how many pages had I written? None. I'd only done a few warm-up writing exercises.

Can I write? I'd like to think so. I've written for a newspaper, the Rollins Center for eBusiness, for an online blog, and for LDS Living Magazine. I had several teachers tell me I wrote well. I took several creative writing classes. There have been many times where I have thought to make a career out of writing.

However, I learned something pretty fascinating about myself. One time, when my parents came to visit me in Provo, I showed them lots of schoolwork I'd done and hobby work.. Did I show them any articles that I'd written? No. What did I show? I showed photos from my photojournalism class, costumes I'd made, sculptures, and videos I'd created. I realized I didn't care about the writing. I cared more about the visual stuff I'd made. I have a hard time getting up in the morning and writing. Yet, somehow I can get up and draw, sculpt, or photograph for hours if I want to. I don't feel it is something I simply like, but I feel it is part of who I am.

So, some of my motivation comes from desires that are also aligned properly with who I really am. I think it would be hard for someone who doesn't care about money to work in a money-centric industry. It would be hard for a shy person to become...president of the United States or a boisterous public speaker.

Can we change who we are? Yes and no. Who are we really? We're children of God and thereby have unlimited potential. Can't change that, but we can change things about ourselves and can change our natures to some extent. Could a shy person become the President? Yes. Could I write a book? Yes, and someday I still hope to. It's just not on my the top of my list of priorities. I have other things that I do better and other things I want to spend my time doing.

That's another thing. Priorities. Sometimes there are things I really want to do, but other priorities step in the way. Family. Earning money so we can So that motivation may be stronger (as it sometimes should be).

So, what did I really try to say in all this? Currently my motivation for projects I'm working on and schooling come from my vision of what I can be, what I want life to be like in the future, who I really am inside and from priorities that I have right now.

Ooh! One more thought. Goals. Elder Ballard has a quote in Preach My Gospel and he says that if we don't learn goal setting we will miss out on our potential. This is another thing I think I need some work on. I could get more done if I set goals and worked for them. Sometimes we have good ideas, but we don't really set the goals necessary to provide a path to work on them. Ideas sound great by themselves, but they are like seeds that sit in the packets. Absolutely useless (except for to sit on the shelf and show that something is in stock at the store). Ideas that have turned into creations are the bomb diggity. Bridging the gap is what matters. It is the hardest part. That's why so many people never do it.

Vision + Faith + Works = success

Is there something missing? Is the radio show simply something that's not a priority? Is it something we think we want, but really isn't lined up with who we are? Or is one of the things in the equation missing? Do we not have the vision, faith, or works to back it up? Or is this equation even complete?

Friday, August 26, 2011

On Resources

While not really a rambler, this one is long-ish. This is your long-ishness alert.

It's pretty easy for me to figure out what some of my problems are. It's also relatively easy to write about them. Far more difficult is solving them.

The radio show idea is a good idea. It would be fun, enlightening, good resumé material, and might even turn around some hobby money. It's pretty much a winner however you slice it. However, before such a project gets started, a problem I seem to have is sitting down and thinking, "yeah, that'd be a lot of fun, but I just don't have _______". No microphone, no time to write a story, no big enough pool of vocal talent, no money, whatever. So the idea gets pushed under the rug (I actually have a notebook I call "under the rug") and I think that, perhaps, I'll look at it another day when I actually have _______. Another good idea shrivels in the shadow of un-had resources. I could be a more successful person, if I was just a more successful person already.

But that's really just a convenient lie, isn't it?

Why is it such a challenge to decide I have everything I need and just make the investment that stands between a good idea and a good reality? Take the Timeline project, for example. How much time have I wasted wishing I had some seed capital, or dropping hints around family members hoping they'd just give me some? I went to a meeting of local nerd types last week in which startup funding was discussed. I left frustrated because the investors they discussed want to see significant receipts before investing. "If I already have receipts, what in the world do I need investors for?!" I thought. "The system is stacked against people with ideas and no money."

Another convenient lie.

The system is stacked, sure, but against a totally different kind of person, and if it's stacked against one, it's stacked in favor of another. Funny enough, it doesn't have much to do with ideas, and probably less to do with money. The system is stacked against people without will, or motivation. The converse of which means that driven people are more successful. That makes sense, too, in kind of a "duh" way. It also makes sense that successful people seem more often to be bi-polar or something.

The question, then, is: how do I become bi-polar?

Or more realistically, how do I find my inner Drive? Is there a well of motivation somewhere inside that I can draw from? How do successful people (who aren't crazy to begin with) do it? Is it something that can be acquired? We tend to talk about people as the _are_, like "he is doggedly determined". Can a person _become_ doggedly determined? Have you heard stories of lazy people who figured out how to work, like, hard?

One would think that the thought of the potential rewards, even when a reward is very likely, should be enough to motivate a person to action. Like the radio show. Wouldn't those rewards be worth the doing of the thing?

As I think about all this, something else comes to mind. Anybody even sort of familiar with the Scriptures knows stories of people of old (or maybe people of recently) who saw or received or performed something miraculous. I was reading last night in Acts, and there's this story of Paul preaching in an upper room, and a young man who is listening while sitting in the window falls asleep during the sermon (which I'm sure I never do) and falls out the window, down about 3 floors, hits the ground and dies (I'm even more sure I've never done that). Paul rushes down the stairs and tells everyone, "Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him." (Acts 20:10) Everybody goes back upstairs, eats some more, then Paul goes on his way. Wait -- what? Somebody just arose from the dead! It was significant enough to make it into the record, but from the sound of it, it wasn't a really big deal beyond that. Like they were happy about it, but not surprised.

It seems to me that this kind of miracle has a lot in common with some of the modern miracles we've seen and attributed to smarts or technology. Somebody has an idea of something good he wants. A gap separates this vision and the actual manifestation of the vision. Something has to bridge the gap. In Church, we call it Faith. Everywhere else, we call it Determination. What's the difference?

At first glance, all it looks like Paul "did" was run downstairs and touch the young man. It took us a lot more than running up and down stairs to land people on the Moon. However, I think it may come down to how clearly in your mind you can see the young man standing up again, or a guy standing on the moon with a fishbowl on his head. In the case of the young man, the Priesthood did the Work. In the case of Apollo 11, a lot of hands and brains did the Work (at the expense of a good deal of good health and a good many marriages and families). In both cases, the gap was bridged and the vision was forced into reality.

This makes me think I had it slightly wrong before. There's something that has to happen even before the Determination arrives, indeed the place where the Determination probably comes from. First there is a vision. Then there is Faith, or the ability to see, clearly, the vision as if it were real - taste the victory, smell the success, know the benefits before they happen. From Faith flows the Determination to make the vision real, and that is the fuel for the Work.

I've really never thought of Faith quite in this way, but it makes sense now. Faith seems to be a difficult thing to really nail down. How do you answer when somebody asks you "what is faith?" Think about the scripture you quote when somebody asks that question -- "...if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true." (Alma 32:21) If a person has more Faith, he must have more hope. What does hope mean? The more you hope for something, doesn't the picture in your mind become more and more clear? Does stronger hope not drive you more strongly towards your vision? If I want a successful Timeline project, I need to have Faith in it. That sounds like saying "I believe it can work", but it's much more powerful than that. I need to see it before it exists. I need to see it so clearly, with so much detail that it can't help but pop out of my head and into reality.

Back to the question: how do I find my inner Drive? Is the answer really just Faith? How nice would that be? Faith comes with microphones, voice talent, as many lines of Javascript and Python as you need, and the entire Grumman Corporation (if you need to build a LM). Sweet.

Those are my current thoughts, anyway. I'm sure you have some of your own. I'd like to know what they are. Where do you get your motivation?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Old memories

Here are some photos I thought I'd scan in. Yes, scan them.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Radio show thoughts

Before I talk about the radio show, the word of the day is--Arcane: known or understood by very few; mysterious; secret; obscure; esoteric.

I was tossing around ideas for the show. I thought about places. Professor X has a school, Harry Potter has a school, some people have a warehouse, library, etc. A place or base, for operations. We talked about a laboratory. A few other places I was thinking of are a museum or a library special collections. Museums often have their own labs and project workspaces, etc. It could be a Museum of Mysteries, kind of a cheap Ripley's Believe it or Not that serves as a cover for intense investigations of unusual phenomena. Underneath are vaults, labs, etc. Also, I worked in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections for a number of years and it had its own mysterious element to it. Lots of neat items hidden away from the public, restricted access, and not to mention it is a spooky place when nobody is around. Perfect place to augment for a story. And what do they do? They collect rare items and objects. The Special Collections of Secrets or something.
Or you can look up cabinet of curiosities. It's a thriller novel, but also actual historical places that housed collections of stuff. Also a Cabinet of Wonder or in German a Wunderkammer (wonder room).
I thought more about titles than content for now. Something catchy, intriguing, etc.
Museum of Mysteries, Special Collections of Secrets, Mavens of Mystery. Escapades of Yadda Yadda. Exploits of This and That.
Another thing I was thinking about was Mythbusters. We can't use the name obviously, but the idea is intriguing. I was told that there is a woman who works in the Church office building whose sole job is to research all the Mormon legends and myths to find out what is true and what is not. I thought that would be an exciting job.

I know we have a basic idea, but not sure how far we'd carry the mysterious element to it--alien artifacts and the like. I'm trying to modify it some way so we're not sounding like the Twilight Zone, Warehouse 13, or anything else. Originality is important to me.

One more thing I thought I'd mention and ask thoughts on. So, are we going to do a radio show or an audio book type thing? A radio show is diverse and exciting. It will also require a lot more. We will need to have character voices, male and female, that we can continuously use along with other voices that come and go with episodes. Basically we need actors who are committed. I think we're good for males, but whose wife is willing to do this...a lot? Just a thought.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ancient writings above Cedar?

Not to fill your inbox with things from me, but since we don't have internet at our apt. I can only get on so much at a time.

Have you guys ever been to the supposed ancient writings in the hills above the golf course? They don't look that ancient, but I've been doing some research lately. Apparently one man has discovered 24 sites with similar markings across 6 or 7 different states here in the west. In Utah there are sites in Fillmore, Cedar, Manti, and Nephi. Just wondered if you guys have ever heard about them. Maybe I'll post pictures later.

one more

Can we have some mystery and intrigue please?

radio etc.

I've thought of something like your exercise before, but for other purposes. There's that game we used to play where you say or write one sentence of the story. Well, with the advent of wikipedia and other things, journalists tried to use it to do citizen journalism. They tried to have citizens edit and alter stories based on their new information and situations in the community. Didn't work too well. Going along with that, I've often thought that would be fun to do a novel like that on the web. A web story that is created by multiple people. That way the story if very unexpected and different, more unique than any story by a single author ever could be. You would still have to moderate it and make tasteful edits for morality, continuity, etc, but it could be a very unique creation. However, that is a different future idea altogether.

I also agree with the doing whatever we want. having had the desire to write successful novels from time to time, I've also struggled with the notion that it has to appeal to the largest audience possible. Let's be honest, publishers, movie companies and the like are all interested in the really big ideas that will go far. Ok, so some times you wonder "who in the world put this idea together and what were they thinking?" But generally it works that way. I also agree that the internet kind of solves some of that problem. In the print industry, newspapers are dying because people can go to the internet. Magazines have still retained a small foothold because they are niche industries. That's largely how the internet works, too. You only need a niche and you can get an audience a lot of the time.
Perhaps I should've used the ramble alert.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Radio Show

It's dark, and damp. Water drips from the grates above, and the occasional early morning driver causes the tunnel to gasp as cars speed overhead, unaware of a small group gathered beneath them.
Here's what I was thinking. Let's write a couple of possible episodes and share them around, then we can kind of talk about which direction to go. It seems to me that, with distribution methods available these days, we can pretty much do whatever we want, and as long as the stories are good and the quality is good, we can generate a following. I've begun to hear stories about people who have just struck out on something interesting and discovered that other people are interested and have been following their progress.

There's a musician, whose name I don't remember, who was featured on a Planet Money podcast a while back, who started writing and recording songs for fun. What he was doing resonated with enough people that he's become quite successful, and has even quit his old day job to be a musician. I'm not suggesting that our goal should be fame and fortune, (though we could probably do with some fortune if it came along). I just think that the Internet makes it so that content creators can think a lot less about what people will think of their creations. In the world of Network Television, you have to make something that most of the people will like all of the time. On the Internet, if you just do something that you like, chances are there are a few other people out there that will like it too. If there are only %.000001 of the Internet community that likes what you do, they still mean a huge audience.

Those are my thoughts.

And another thought that just came to me -- something we can do as a sort of exercise and get some ideas flowing. We could do that game where we pass the story off one to another. One person can write a paragraph or so, and whomever else feels like picking it up can. We can do this in a comment thread, or if you want...

I can set up a website :)


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Radio Show

So, i am the first person to come about the radio show....hmmm. Well, I think it should And dialogue. Wow. This would be 80-90% dialogue. Comedy, mystery, adventure? Sci-fi? Anyways, just thought I'd check in here. Bye!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Time Capsule Retrieval

So folks. We are going to go get the thing Friday at 12:30 and from talking with Nate we will probably open the capsule on Saturday. Give Ben or I a ring for more info and check the new Herd group on facebook. I think that will be a little easier to use for organizing this thing.

SuperGuy Out!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Date is set now going for time

Hey everybody we are going for May 27th for the time capsule retrieval. Mrs. Truman will be available so we can get in to the "Nerd Room". Ben is seeing if we could do it in the evening, but during the day would be better at this point. Ben and I are easy going with getting over there, I can even take some vacation hours if it comes to that. Nate and Ked, I need confirmation with you two as soon as possible. James I am figuring as long as you have notice you will still be good. If you have any concerns please let me know. Ben said Mrs. Truman would even be willing to spring for Pizza. Also, wives are invited so everyone knows that.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Time Capsule Revisited

Hello again all. As the request was made to consider an alternate date to the Wednesday 25th of May we set ten years ago for the time capsule retrieval I hereby propose the following weekend (memorial day weekend). I imagine it could be accomplished Friday, Saturday, and/or possibly Monday. I was noticing that Friday the 27th is Graduation so that may do something to the scheduling. Please comment so I know you received the message and so we can discuss what our best options are.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Baby Dallin

The wait is over! Our little boy, Dallin, is here. He weighed in at 8 lbs 1.1 oz, and was 21 inches long at birth. It was a rough delivery for all involved, but they are both healthy and well. Thanks for all the well-wishes and congratulations. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Time Capsule

For all that are interested the Time Capsule was scheduled to be retrieved Wednesday May 25th. If there are problems with the date I with a proper vote we could move it to a weekend or something like that. I just wanted to post this in response to a question asked by Nathan.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

On the anniversary of a fateful day

On this Groundhog's day in remembrance of the most infamous of KAN adventures I offer up this fascinating thought from our friend Nathan, "People in Cedar buy grappling hooks!" I also wish to acknowledge brother Kedrik and his recordings of television shows that always were enjoyable. Also, to those whom we related the impossible story, Sam and Bob I salute you. Remember that the third shape in tic-tac-toe is a triangle and a hat does not make a convince Frisbee.
