Friday, January 18, 2008

Update: Wilderness

Well, I almost wrote a few days ago but I didn't have time to write a sufficient entry. I still don't have the time. Oh well.
After two other majors, over two and a half years, and way too much confusion---I am officially a communications major. Did I all tell you that? I got in last semester. I have a better idea oh what I want to do with my life...sort of.

I am going to school, working, etc. Not much has changed, eh? Not much has changed on the outside but so much is changing on the inside. The last six months have been the most intense learning experience of my life! I cannot begin to explain the depth the information given to me, the scope of the trials that have fallen upone me, or the height of the mountains before me.

So, in the CES fireside, Elder Tingey related a story about a family with two unmarried boys. The family attended the temple often and offered fervent prayers for the boys. They got married.
Now, I'm not marriage hungry or anything but I do seek the crowning ordinance of the temple. So, I invite all the Herd to join in prayer and temple attendance for Ked. Who knows, with all our faith combined maybe she'll walk right up and propose to me (some dream girl I don't know).
Anyway, now that that is over. Life is good. I don't know if I have anything else to say. The end?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Update: Cedar City

Well, I am still alive, and much to my chagrin I am currently in the process of trying to survive on a part time job while hoping and praying that a job will turn up so that I can get on with my life. The current plan is to get a full time job up north in the Salt Lake Area and then move up there in preparation for my attending grad school in the fall. I am almost fully applied to a Master's program at the U and then from there I hope to find a job with benefits that will pay enough that we can apply for a home loan to at least get a condo or something and get out of the renting pit of no returns. That is it for now I guess I might get some time to poke around face book a little more and see who I can see.