Monday, February 25, 2008

Continued Irony

The words spoken to me as I was in Ben and Ashley's wedding line:
Sister Bertagnolli: "So, are you going to be the next one married?"
Ked: "Umm.....I'll try"
Brother Bertagnolli: "No, you need to committ him."
Sister Bertagnolli: "Will you be the next one to get married?"
Ked: "ummm...."

Yes, that was funny. You all thought I was the lady's man.
I remember Nathan wanted to be single for a while, live his life. I'm livin' his dream! It wasn't exactly my dream, but I am seeing the benefits of it. :)


Remember when...
We all thought Ked would be the first to be married?

Remember when...
Most of us thought we knew where we were going in life?

"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley"
-Robert Burns, "To a Mouse"