Friday, February 29, 2008

Another day of warm weather

I was going to write something serious and I had about a paragraph into it but I just didn't want to do it. This week has been one of the best in a long time. But there are times where the past comes back to haunt me. I've experienced quite a few things here in Provo, a lot of interesting dating experiences. It has been so difficult to heal from many of these, especially this last one. It takes so much to learn how to reform the mind and heart.

But I said I didn't want to go there. This week I have felt more of my old, adventurous Ked self than I have in years. I've felt more desire to be connected with you guys as well. Life is changing. It is changing for the better. I feel like I've returned from a long stay in Liberty Jail. Who knows, I could be on my way to another dark cell.

I want to enjoy my life again. I want to explore canyons, caves, abandoned building. I want to do crazy things like hang on the top of Ben's car as he hits the e-brake and whips the car around. I want to go camping and traveling. I want to jump off cliffs into pools and rivers, to run until I start to hurt. I have been too long in a slump. I am returning.
I feel, right now, as though we are still separated by distance but somehow we will still unite and conquer yet.

And NOW...after all that talk...I have to go do homework. :) See you guys later!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Web is the Way to go

So, I wrote an article for the BYU newspaper about the More Good Foundation. The article focused on how the foundation is encouraging members (along with apostles) to go online to discuss the gospel. It was quite a fun article, probably not my best writing, but fun. Lots of people have become active or started taking the discussions with the missionaries through members online. One woman recorded her testimony on Youtube and some guy asked for a copy of The Book of Mormon after watching it four times. Professors here at BYU are also realizing that much of the stuff they publish will only reach a few thousand people unless it goes to the web. Then it can reach millions.
The really funny thing is I just got an email from a friend. He told me he received an email via a Los Angeles LDS listserv. In the email was a link to my article. Kind of strange but my article traveled to another state and hundreds of other people in a single day.

That, my friends, is pretty cool.

Now all I need is some funding, some maps, crazy expedition gear, a camera, and a laptop. I could post crazy adventures to remote locations and get thousands of viewers. FINALLY--the fame I've always wanted. Just kidding.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Continued Irony

The words spoken to me as I was in Ben and Ashley's wedding line:
Sister Bertagnolli: "So, are you going to be the next one married?"
Ked: "Umm.....I'll try"
Brother Bertagnolli: "No, you need to committ him."
Sister Bertagnolli: "Will you be the next one to get married?"
Ked: "ummm...."

Yes, that was funny. You all thought I was the lady's man.
I remember Nathan wanted to be single for a while, live his life. I'm livin' his dream! It wasn't exactly my dream, but I am seeing the benefits of it. :)


Remember when...
We all thought Ked would be the first to be married?

Remember when...
Most of us thought we knew where we were going in life?

"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley"
-Robert Burns, "To a Mouse"

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ready, Go, SET!

I feel very blessed... now. All through high school, and clear up to about two years ago, I felt miserable about my chances of finding my path to "success". I vividly remember several conversations in the Herd room where I felt like the odd ball; it seemed at times that everyone else in the Herd had a direction they were going except for me. It seemed like everyone was good at something practicle, something marketable, something you could actually build a decent carrer out of... except me. It's weird feeling like now I'm the only one who has found their path, is confident in the direction they're going, and truely feels "set". I'm applying for a patent this week, have already contacted an attorney and set an appointment to sit down and do all the paperwork. My PPL Business is growing exponentially, and I'm getting better at my sales job.

I don't talk much about what's going on, because I feel that soon I'm going to be resented by many people I care about.

Just hang in there, guys. Make a plan with the end in mind, find ONE way that works for you, and stick to it. Just don't give up on your dreams. I love you guys too much to see you give up on your true potential. Stay awake, keep your eyes open, put a pen and pad by your bed, and keep track of those small ideas.

I wish you all the best!

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Next Little Piece of Life

Yes, I have been deeply pondering my next piece too. Well, I'm mostly pondering the summer. I try not to think about women and try even harder not to think about fall semester.
Wait...let me clarify. I go on dates. I do. But I am trying hard not to overanalyze and ponder too deeply about women. I think I should use this blog site to continue my romantic adventures, like when I was in Maine. I think that might give you all something to laugh about.
Well, I gotta run to a meeting. Be back later. :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Springtime in the sloppies

Yes, the ice and snow are starting to melt down here too, and it's really making a terrible mess of my road. Don't anybody take this the wrong way, but please don't come to my house for a visit. At least not until the road has seen some very major improvements. I ought to take pictures. The unbelievable Trooper may not have a problem, but I can promise that any Intrepid or Sentra that makes the attempt will get stuck to the bumper and need a good yanking by a four-wheel-drive tractor. Yesterday we had to pull the van out twice. It really made me appreciate the engineering of older vehicles which, unlike our van and the car, have places readily available for hooking chains and tow straps on. The fun part was driving the tractor at high speeds (20 mph) and being surrounded by the airborne mud glops being flung from the knobby wheels, hoping that the one that just smeared my hand was as close as they were going to get from my head.

So now we're all pretty much mudded in here, unless we can hitch a ride with the neighbor to one of our cars we've parked at the top of the road.

Someday -- a well graveled or paved driveway.

I've been pondering deeply as of late about how the next little piece of my life is going to play out. I've got to get back to school and finish my degree, but I've got to be able to afford that, as well as supporting my family and contributing to savings. I would _really_ like to come up with one good idea that se me financially straight, for a while at least, and not have to worry about it, but those things are tough to nab.

Well I'm falling asleep here. May you all have a good day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Springtime for Kedrik and Provo

Well, I certainly hope that spring is on it's way. The snow is melting, birds are chirping, people are getting engaged (not me but my two roommates).

I want to come here more often and write things but I often feel like I don't have anything to write. I am busier this semester than I have even been before. But it is good. I am learning lots of cool things. I'm being trained on the Adobe cs3 suite and it's fun. I will soon be learning some web publishing programs and that'll be great too.

I have now been in Provo for over three years straight and have not left for more than two weeks at a time. I have a desire to leave and go adventuring. Maine is calling me once again and currently my plan is to return. My brother and his family are there and have offered to house me. My brother suggested I buy a motorcycle and drive across the country. So I started looking for motorcycles and began looking into the licensing class. That would be almost more fun than I could imagine, but my rear quarter would be more sore than I could imagine as well.

Anyway, I ramble. Oh well, sometimes that's all I can do after a long day of writing articles for the paper, taking tests, etc.
I am super stoked about the new Indiana Jones movie. It looks to be lots of fun and very nostalgic for me. I must admit that after watching the teaser trailer several times I started driving more like Indiana Jones in the trooper. Boy I love that vehicle.
Anyway, I gotta run home. I have to schedule some appointments with people and visit others.
Talk to you all later.
Ked :>

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Here or There I guess it doesn't matter

Check out my blog for an update sorry I disappeared a little lately.