Monday, April 25, 2011

Time Capsule Revisited

Hello again all. As the request was made to consider an alternate date to the Wednesday 25th of May we set ten years ago for the time capsule retrieval I hereby propose the following weekend (memorial day weekend). I imagine it could be accomplished Friday, Saturday, and/or possibly Monday. I was noticing that Friday the 27th is Graduation so that may do something to the scheduling. Please comment so I know you received the message and so we can discuss what our best options are.



  1. Open as well is the possibility of the weekend before as memorial day could present some difficulties.

  2. I am good to go just about any time in the days mentioned. On work days I will need to arrange to leave work early if necessary, so I probably care more about the time than the date.

  3. I (the young family) are in favor of doing it memorial day weekend. Neither the time or day make any difference to us, it just has to be sometime that weekend or that Monday. I bet we could get ahold of someone who has access to the building if tried hard enough, if it would make a difference.


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