Monday, December 29, 2008

Meeting Results

Well I am posting the results of the meeting so we can remember what is going on.

We met and discussed the possibility of creating a "project development team" with emphasis in digital multimedia. We adopted a resolution to go forward with this and decided as a principal project we would define our guiding statements of direction and develop a process or procedure for adopting and completing future projects.

Assignment was given to each member to create there own mission/vision statements and a brief paragraph relating to the direction of the team regarding non/for profit etc. I volunteered to develop a working document for our operating procedures and to submit that at the very latest January 8 for everyones review. We scheduled a conference call for the morning of January 10 to meet and discuss the guiding principles of our project team and our proposed operating procedures. Bach was given responsibilities for developing a web presence for the team.

Remember to post as you complete your assignment so that we can begin the collaboration process accordingly.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I guess we are meeting on Friday, we could get together in the morning around 10 and do lunch that day. Spend maybe 3- 4 hours.

Tell me what you think


Finally got around to donating to wikipedia. Here is a link if anyone else wants to.

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Down with that

Ok a few quick phone calls and it looks like we are on for the 26th of
December for a Herd Christmas get together. Evryone please post your
preferred time of day as a comment to this post an we will try and
accomodate the everyone, I will say I am free all day so I am
deffering my vote to those that might have less flexibilty in their
schedules. Also, you can post thoughts for activities, and I assume
for now the location will be set for Ked's house unless further
dictssion says otherwise. Thanks for offering Ked.

Good luck and good Thursday evrybody. Alsmost forgot speaking with
Whatshisface he thinks that we have made sufficient ground on the
topic over the week so the conference call mightn't be necessary.
(that was cool my iPod knows the word mightn't)

Super Guy
(on the move)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Since I have appointed myself in other roles I will also give myself
some secretarial duties please email me with agenda items for that
conference thingy that Whatshisface set up. You may also include
agenda items and talking points for next weeks conclave. (sorry WHF I
feel funny using real names sometimes since I choose anonymity for my
own self)

Super Guy
(on the move)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Conference Call

Okay, there is much to be discussed about our time in Cedar and what exactly we should do. I propose we condence timeframes, and utilize the all powerful CONFERENCE CALL!! It will enable all of us to be on the phone at the same time with everyone all at once. Instead of spending hours online replying to posts and commenting endlessly trying to get our ideas together, we could easily figure it all out in under 1 hour on the phone.

I already have a conference call set up:
712-432-3000 (Pin: 631941)

All we need to decide is when to do it. My schedule is flexable. If everyone else is flexable, let's plan to do it this Friday, (Dec 19th) at 7:00PM. Comment with a few different times that are okay for you if this won't work for you. Look forward to hearing your voices again!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas and what not

Well, I'll be down for a few days. I'm still not sure exactly when. I will mostly be in Parowan at Abigail's. It is anti-climactic to go home when you're the youngest and nobody else comes home. Plus, my parents will be on a trip of their own during Christmas. I might take a small jaunt somewhere too.

Nate and I talked about getting together. If we could, that would be great. We could have a Nerd Christmas party.

It might also be good to have a meeting. Our media world is changing rapidly and I'm trying to make plans to step more into it and to start more wholesome media for those who want it. It might be kind of cool to have a "predict the future" meeting where we share ideas about the future of media and how to battle bad stuff. Just a thought. I've recently had a lot of interesting conversations with one of my professors on the subject.
Let me know what you guys think

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Previous Post Removal

I am removing the previous post temporarily for discussion of the point made by Bach regarding the creator of the photo and possible collaboration with him on this blog or otherwise. My thoughts would be that he did not have the same insights and connections to the more deep dealings of the group, yet he did contribute a photo I would say is a classic, and perhaps in considering the anthology he should be included as a guest author at least on some points. Some of my thoughts although they may seem rude, it is just that I never felt the same type of connection with said "Robot", and I don't know if that is just me or a more general feeling. I guess we should open for discussion.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Celebrating a Single Life

Friday, I was fortunate enough to attend Elder Worthlin's funeral services. As church employees, we were given the day off after 11:00 to attend the funeral and other activities. It's always a neat experience, attending a funeral. I often feel like it's my own, often reflecting on what I have identified as my own mission and stewardship in this life.

There was a poem shared by his son, Joseph B. Worthlin Jr., in which two lines in particular resonated strongly with me:

"That man can do the best he can
and leave no debt to his fellow man."

While many will interpret the accountability of this phrase in different ways, it is my opinion that the strongest debt we all have is personal potential unfulfilled. It's funny to think that a tree - without a brain - will grow as tall as it can, while we - with our superior brains and unique relationship with God - will stop ourselves from reaching our full potential.
I guess, in answer to Bach's questions, my greatest motivation is actually a snapshot of what I know is expected of me: to become a profitable and wise servant to my family, my fellow man, and to the Lord's Church.

Friday, December 5, 2008

on Change and Growth Part 2


Everybody (hopefully) has tried changing at some point, but in my experience, few of these attempts seem to bear fruit because at some point, the motivation almost invariably evaporates.

Some people are motivated by money, others by power, maybe by comfort, love, guilt, hunger, fame, accountability, fear, morals, rewards, etc.

What motivates you? What kinds of motivations have you had that seem to stick around more than others?

Here's a thought -- we're all familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Does it seem that the higher you go on the hierarchy the weaker your motivations to achieve higher needs gets? Is a sign of strong character the ability to maintain motivation for higher needs?

On another angle, do you have any motivations you wish were stronger than they are? For example, we're looking to buy a house, but our resources haven't grown to that point yet. I know I'm talented and capable, and that if I could just apply myself more I could find these resources, but sometimes I just can't muster the motivation to do so. Shouldn't independent housing be a great motivation to work harder?

Lots of questions, I know, but I'm interested in seeing how other people deal with such problems. Why? I'm very excited by possibility, and I can see myself being stronger and more accomplished in a great many worthwhile things. The whole world is big and open and full of unimaginable treasure just waiting for the person who can reach out and pull it into his reality. I want to be one of those people.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thankful for Books

I was never a big reader. In fact I hated reading all the way through school and throughout college. I was told by my first grade teacher that I'd never learn to read because I was so slow at learning the words. Ironically, my best subject at test time was in english language skills/sentence structure. I felt cursed.

And then I found a reason to read. It would seem obvious that we read to gain wisdom and grow our minds, but I always perceived that wisdom and growth to be exclusive to scholastic achievement. (As most teens do, I suppose.) Unfortunately, it wasn't until I discovered a vehicle like Pre-Paid Legal that I began to realize the potential of personal development through reading "good books". I realized that to achieve more - in all areas of life, not just material wealth - one must become more. I regrettably admit that it's taken me 23 years to understand such an important principle, but I now treasure that knowledge as one of this life's most precious assets: A path of Personal Development.

In the home-based-business industry, we commit ourselves and our team members to read at least 10 pages of "personal development" material a day. Scriptures; training materials; biographies of such people like Henry Ford, Donald Trump, Napoleon Hill, etc.; Most people do not come with the mindset of a successful business owner/leader/builder, it is something that must be developed over time. (In most cases more time than most people have patience for.) The most painful thing for me to see is someone giving up on themselves simply because their feet haven't grown into their shoes quite yet. So refusing to grow off the shoes go, assuming they'll never fit, and somehow believing that to tread a lifetime through the weeds and thorns in bare feet the rest of their life (trying to get used to it) outweighs the temporary hastles of keeping loose shoes on their feet.

I hope that within our close group, each of us will constantly seek to learn and grow. It is the only way we will be able to accomplish our various goals in this life - whatever they may be. Well my friends, here's to keeping our heads on our shoulders, and our shoes on our feet. Good luck this week with your lives, finals/projects, the war, and other endeavors!