Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Splashboy Arrives!!

Well, I had another one of those rare experiences where you hit the back button when you don't mean to and lose all your previous work.
But I am here! I have decided to join the blur of words and photos on the Nerd Blog. And I won't try to delete myself...I promise.
I am currently working full time up here in Provo. But I am also trying to play a lot. I went hiking and camping with some friends down in Zion a few weeks ago. I've been water skiing, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, rafting, spelunking, and numerous other things. We're currently planning a trip to either Mesa Verde or Yellowstone.
My plans are continually forming but as of now I am on track to graduate in Communications with an emphasis in print journalism. I am also contemplating an english minor. A bit of a change, I know. However, it will fit in with some of my goals, dreams, and plans for the future.
Because I have changed my major a few times I'll most likely graduate in a year and a half. However, my time here has been well worth it. When I graduate I plan to live in Thailand for a least one year. I may work in my comms field or I may teach english. But I have some projects I'd like to work on there, as well as boost my Thai skills.
I am currently dating the lovely Sarah M. Hall from Iowa City, Iowa. She loves the outdoors, traveling, sports, musicals, and a bunch of other stuff. She served her mission in South Africa and is currently working on an MPA here at the Y. She has gone with several internship groups to other countries and has even spent time in my greenie area in Thailand.
Sufficeth to say, life is great and I am content. I have to go but I will return with more exciting adventures from the life of Splashboy. Chow!

Herd Map

I made a quick herd map for the fun of it, it is here.

Historical Account

I am here to establish a historical account of the phrase "Ked's Poetry Corner" and the cause of the phrase's conception. As Nearly as I can establish from period accounts contained in the archive of the Nerd yahoo group the phrase was coined on October 19, 2001 by nathanscissorhands in post 108 entitled "Another Yesterday, Today". The reference would most likely have been understood as a reference to post 104 of the previous day authored by hunt_bob and entitled "The ode of Ked". The rest of the archive is in my public albums. Good luck everyone and have fun going down memory lane.