Monday, December 15, 2008

Conference Call

Okay, there is much to be discussed about our time in Cedar and what exactly we should do. I propose we condence timeframes, and utilize the all powerful CONFERENCE CALL!! It will enable all of us to be on the phone at the same time with everyone all at once. Instead of spending hours online replying to posts and commenting endlessly trying to get our ideas together, we could easily figure it all out in under 1 hour on the phone.

I already have a conference call set up:
712-432-3000 (Pin: 631941)

All we need to decide is when to do it. My schedule is flexable. If everyone else is flexable, let's plan to do it this Friday, (Dec 19th) at 7:00PM. Comment with a few different times that are okay for you if this won't work for you. Look forward to hearing your voices again!