Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Grand Illusions

I had a dream last night where I ran into Superguy unexpectedly. "Wow, how are you!?" I asked excitedly. ...I don't remember his immediate response, but we discussed this blog and how important it was that I post something new. This is strange because I've been meaning to post what follows for about 5 days now. Anyway, I hope this will be as interesting to some of you as it is to me.

Of all the things in this world that interest me, I have to say that puzzles and illusions are among my favorites. There are some clever Brits that have put together a pretty nerdy website that I've been visiting off and on for a while now. They explain many mysteries through articles and links to valuable research, and have come up with some of their own through fascinating gadgets and toys (all of which can be purchased through their website). One such illusion I thought Bach would find particularly interesting is their explanation of "The Moon Illusion". While Superguy may want to add this unusual math technique to his bag math skills. I'm sure everyone will enjoy the seemingly endless variety of stuff this site has to offer.

I made a visit to the doctor yesterday to find out why my throat was still red, swollen and full of canker sores, and didn't clear up after all the antibiotics and stuff. (I'm going on day 17 now.) He took a look, recoiled in surprise and said "Ooh, ow ow ow!" He explained that my "canker sores" had actually become ulcers; one covering my entire Uvula (the dangly thing in the back of the throat", one next to it, and the other two off to the sides where my jaw meets my throat. And the cause of all this: Stress. That's why the anibiotics didn't work, nor will they work. The Doc gave me a piece of paper with a formula I could whip up at home that coats the sores and sooths the pain, but it's just going to have to run it's course. I've debated about whether or not to post a picture of my throat. Leave your votes in the form of comments. See you guys later, enjoy the website!

Still alive and in crisis

I am still here and kicking for the most part. I made a post on my site about the crisis in my title. I found a poem that gives me some hope. Here is a piece of it

Turn to the Father

He is the one, that we can turn to
He is the one always there for you
Turn to the Father
All ye who hurt
He will help you
He will raise you up from the dirt
There is light when he is near
No more darkness left to fear
Turn to the Father and to his Son
Receive of their peace for Redemption is come

Marcus Richards