Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Progression of Ked

Boy, it seems like the last three years have been some of the longest years of my life. And somehow I wonder how three years have already passed. Strange isn't it?

I stand now at a peak of perspective. My view is showing me personal progression that I was often not aware was taking place. Ked has changed, grown, evolved.
In reaching this new vista I see many more of the challenges that lie ahead. I am excited to take them on. My courage is building so that I may take some of the most daring leaps of my life of my life. These are leaps of faith, daring, and sometimes random spontaneity.
I feel that the future is taking shape before my eyes. Like the wax I was molding in my sculpture class, visions are becoming realities. Yes, there is still much to do.
I hope you all are well and you find life adventurous. It may be taxing, but the journey is better that way.