Friday, August 12, 2011

Radio show thoughts

Before I talk about the radio show, the word of the day is--Arcane: known or understood by very few; mysterious; secret; obscure; esoteric.

I was tossing around ideas for the show. I thought about places. Professor X has a school, Harry Potter has a school, some people have a warehouse, library, etc. A place or base, for operations. We talked about a laboratory. A few other places I was thinking of are a museum or a library special collections. Museums often have their own labs and project workspaces, etc. It could be a Museum of Mysteries, kind of a cheap Ripley's Believe it or Not that serves as a cover for intense investigations of unusual phenomena. Underneath are vaults, labs, etc. Also, I worked in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections for a number of years and it had its own mysterious element to it. Lots of neat items hidden away from the public, restricted access, and not to mention it is a spooky place when nobody is around. Perfect place to augment for a story. And what do they do? They collect rare items and objects. The Special Collections of Secrets or something.
Or you can look up cabinet of curiosities. It's a thriller novel, but also actual historical places that housed collections of stuff. Also a Cabinet of Wonder or in German a Wunderkammer (wonder room).
I thought more about titles than content for now. Something catchy, intriguing, etc.
Museum of Mysteries, Special Collections of Secrets, Mavens of Mystery. Escapades of Yadda Yadda. Exploits of This and That.
Another thing I was thinking about was Mythbusters. We can't use the name obviously, but the idea is intriguing. I was told that there is a woman who works in the Church office building whose sole job is to research all the Mormon legends and myths to find out what is true and what is not. I thought that would be an exciting job.

I know we have a basic idea, but not sure how far we'd carry the mysterious element to it--alien artifacts and the like. I'm trying to modify it some way so we're not sounding like the Twilight Zone, Warehouse 13, or anything else. Originality is important to me.

One more thing I thought I'd mention and ask thoughts on. So, are we going to do a radio show or an audio book type thing? A radio show is diverse and exciting. It will also require a lot more. We will need to have character voices, male and female, that we can continuously use along with other voices that come and go with episodes. Basically we need actors who are committed. I think we're good for males, but whose wife is willing to do this...a lot? Just a thought.


  1. I like the idea of a cover operation, and I think it should be as hokey as possible (the cover operation). I just think it'd be a funny irony that the world would see our characters as misfits when they are out saving the world every night (or whatever they do).

    I have also thought about voice actors. I don't actually have any helpful information to offer as a result of my thinking, but I have been thinking about it. One of the things I'm most excited about is the foley, setting up "scenes" with sound, so I'm definitely up for a radio show over an audio book, but I agree it will be more challenging.

  2. Yes, that's why I thought of a cheap, bizarre museum or something, run by a cracked-pot old man. Everyone in the outside world thinks it's a loony bin type place, but really it houses a LOU and lots of really cool stuff.
    Yes, foley is exciting. It'd be more exciting than an audio book, we'll just have to work a little harder on it.


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