Sunday, August 7, 2011

Radio Show

It's dark, and damp. Water drips from the grates above, and the occasional early morning driver causes the tunnel to gasp as cars speed overhead, unaware of a small group gathered beneath them.
Here's what I was thinking. Let's write a couple of possible episodes and share them around, then we can kind of talk about which direction to go. It seems to me that, with distribution methods available these days, we can pretty much do whatever we want, and as long as the stories are good and the quality is good, we can generate a following. I've begun to hear stories about people who have just struck out on something interesting and discovered that other people are interested and have been following their progress.

There's a musician, whose name I don't remember, who was featured on a Planet Money podcast a while back, who started writing and recording songs for fun. What he was doing resonated with enough people that he's become quite successful, and has even quit his old day job to be a musician. I'm not suggesting that our goal should be fame and fortune, (though we could probably do with some fortune if it came along). I just think that the Internet makes it so that content creators can think a lot less about what people will think of their creations. In the world of Network Television, you have to make something that most of the people will like all of the time. On the Internet, if you just do something that you like, chances are there are a few other people out there that will like it too. If there are only %.000001 of the Internet community that likes what you do, they still mean a huge audience.

Those are my thoughts.

And another thought that just came to me -- something we can do as a sort of exercise and get some ideas flowing. We could do that game where we pass the story off one to another. One person can write a paragraph or so, and whomever else feels like picking it up can. We can do this in a comment thread, or if you want...

I can set up a website :)


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