Sunday, April 20, 2008

We chose to go to the moon

I present to your reading this speech given by John. F. Kennedy in Houston on the subject of the Space program. The speech was given in 1962. One year previous to giving this speech, JFK announced a decision to put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade. I find the Apollo program to be an inspiring example of the fact that man (we) are capable of doing impossible things.

I echo Splashboy's comments about the composition of the Herd. Rare and fine friends you all are. May we always remain such.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yeah hope this makes some sense

Here I am still I guess and things are shaping up in many different ways. I have been trying to get through work each day and then each week and find what step I want to take next. Many different points have been touching my mind inciting different thoughts about where I want to be and what I want to be accomplishing. I started some hourly teaching work last week and that has been an interesting experience and I should say experiment. I have been looking at working towards a teaching certificate and the possibilities of getting into education for a career. Although the events of the past few days have woken me to thoughts I seem to have forgotten or repressed. I was not looking forward to school as much as I could have and all of the sudden I regained a desire to study. I think the time off has refreshed me and I think I could keep going and want to as well. Also over the weekend I have had opportunities in other perspectives I haven't seen for awhile. I was able to attend a mission reunion and felt a belonging even though I hardly knew anybody I felt a remembrance of who I am and what I can accomplish. I am trying to concentrate while listening to some other peoples conversations so I apologize for any disconnections that are present in my writing. More than anything I guess the feeling is that of renewed vision and hope to go forward with study instead of taking a more obvious path that in some regards may be selling myself short and trying to take the easy way out. Something about going downtown in Salt Lake last Friday stirred in me a desire to be in the city life. I get an excitement being downtown and thinking of the business world and how it could take me beyond my immediate surroundings. Interesting things and I should be able to find my way I just have to get out there and find my place. I wrote all of this on the way home last night and am posting it this morning once again I hope it make some semblance of sense.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Ok, so this really isn't about unlimited power, but I thought it would make a great title.
I have a roommate who is getting married. He is a good friend and we've been room and apartment mates for over two years now.
I have another friend who I will see tonight. Good friend--we don't talk a whole lot.
As Nathan was preparing the tunnel adventure I began to feel like it was in the "old days." While talking to another friend today about film, writing, changing the world and all that I also began to feel that "old days" feeling.
Now I combine the friends and "old days" comments to mean this:

Why is it that I have good friends but none ever as good? I have lots of friends but none as collectively powerful. I still find it fascinating. You are still the closest and most noble friends I have.
I still hope that we are in the beginnings of our adventures. Benjamin once spoke about the tremendous power we have collectively and hence the tremendous obligation to do good in the world.
I believe the future still holds much for us yet, not because fate will inevitably throw herself in our way but because we will choose to do it. "For the power is in us..."