Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Web is the Way to go

So, I wrote an article for the BYU newspaper about the More Good Foundation. The article focused on how the foundation is encouraging members (along with apostles) to go online to discuss the gospel. It was quite a fun article, probably not my best writing, but fun. Lots of people have become active or started taking the discussions with the missionaries through members online. One woman recorded her testimony on Youtube and some guy asked for a copy of The Book of Mormon after watching it four times. Professors here at BYU are also realizing that much of the stuff they publish will only reach a few thousand people unless it goes to the web. Then it can reach millions.
The really funny thing is I just got an email from a friend. He told me he received an email via a Los Angeles LDS listserv. In the email was a link to my article. Kind of strange but my article traveled to another state and hundreds of other people in a single day.

That, my friends, is pretty cool.

Now all I need is some funding, some maps, crazy expedition gear, a camera, and a laptop. I could post crazy adventures to remote locations and get thousands of viewers. FINALLY--the fame I've always wanted. Just kidding.