Some of you may find this trivial and mutter something under your breath about your inbox being filled with my random posts...but this...is magnificent.
I was walking through Cal Ranch when the glory days of high school adventure came back in a rush. There on the wall was something reminiscent of those days, yet more advanced, sleek, and powerful. I present to you the Carhartt Pro-Palm Glove, lovingly termed by me as "The New Adventure Glove.
My wife promised to get me some for my birthday, but I think she's hesitant now. As I slipped the form fitting piece over my hand I could feel the power my hands were wielding. Instantly I wanted to go climb the alley by IFA (old Albertsons) or explore the mine in Milford or tackle some new and...less criminal adventure.
You see, my gloving days go back to when I lived in Vernal. I was probably under the age of ten when I learned you could climb the posts of our pavilion with my mom's yellow-rubber cleaning gloves. I did that every time I cleaned. Later in life I found my black leather work gloves very suitable for adventuring. Of course they didn't have the stick factor of dipped latex or anything, but they had good grip and were well used in scouting. They were the ones I used when ascending the heights of our former educational institution. I still have them in a box somewhere. Maybe I'll put them on display in a glass box someday.
Later my father gave me some baseball batting gloves that had been on sale at a sporting goods store--a combination of fabric, leather, and a small amount of rubber. I used these often too and wore them out. Later I bought some while in Provo and they were invaluable when I was descending many steep, wooded mountainsides. You can descend incredibly steep graded hillsides when you can grab onto the trees. Let me tell you--it's the ultimate bush-wacking experience.
SO, if anyone wants to do something...exciting this summer-let me know. Ghost towns, crazy canyons, etc. I know, we've got kids and wives. But I've got adventure gloves and we need camping with the guys and such. OOh...adventure gloves are calling.
I thought about making a Ked's poetry corner for these, but not enough time.