Monday, August 27, 2007

Fun Searches

I was playing on my computer for a moment yesterday and thought "is there anyone I would like to try and contact" and I tried to remember the name of a friend who moved away after 7th grade, but didn't have much luck. Then I said to myself "self, how about Carlin Walser" then I googled "Carlin Walser" and what do you know but the first entry is someone in Oklahoma and I send an email and there you have it he is one and the same. I also ran a search on "Abraham C. Hunt" and got a chuckle. Well, I am surprised and glad that when I searched for my name without the " " that I am not that popular on the web I didn't show up much at all so I am a little less well know on the internet than I might have thought. Well, talk to you all later and for those of us in school good luck with classes and for the rest good luck with your work and such.