Monday, August 27, 2007

Fun Searches

I was playing on my computer for a moment yesterday and thought "is there anyone I would like to try and contact" and I tried to remember the name of a friend who moved away after 7th grade, but didn't have much luck. Then I said to myself "self, how about Carlin Walser" then I googled "Carlin Walser" and what do you know but the first entry is someone in Oklahoma and I send an email and there you have it he is one and the same. I also ran a search on "Abraham C. Hunt" and got a chuckle. Well, I am surprised and glad that when I searched for my name without the " " that I am not that popular on the web I didn't show up much at all so I am a little less well know on the internet than I might have thought. Well, talk to you all later and for those of us in school good luck with classes and for the rest good luck with your work and such.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mi casa, es Picasa

Okay, so I've uploaded the throat pictures for all to look on. Take a look if you wish. See you in church Sunday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Harnessing a Creative Power

I've always been fascinated with how and why we dream what we dream. I don't understand it, but some people have very vivid and lengthy dreams every single night (like me), while others never seem to remember anything except for the nightmare they had last year. I've always believed that dreams can be special, and that there must be some way to develop the mind's capacity for dreaming in a way that would be a benefit to us. One way I discovered on my mission is to keep a dream journal next to your bed and write down as much as you can remember first thing each morning. (This also gave me a couple minutes to full wake up so I didn't fall right back asleep while trying to say my morning prayer.) The more I bring those dreams to my conscious mind, I more vivid and lengthy my dreams become. Two nights ago I was watching Ocean's Eleven, and all night long - in my dream - I was planning out a major heist, and organizing a team to pull it off. Lots of action and spy stuff, it was really cool. I'd wake up periodically and invite my brother to join me, or ask Jensen (one of my sales reps) if he wanted me to turn the noise down from my dreams a bit so he could sleep. ...yea, it's kind of funny how real my dreams are sometimes even after I realize it was just a dream. Last night as a part of my dream I was struggling to make a breakfast burrito, and when I woke up I went into the kitchen to finish it only to realize it was just a dream. I dream every night, all night long sometimes.

As I was mentioning earlier, I think there must be a way to harness this creative power of the brain into something more productive. I thoroughly enjoy the ability to be part of such great adventures while I sleep, but I'd much rather use that creativity to solve business problems, receive spiritual guidance, and improve my creativity. Knowing that time is one of our most valuable assets, and that we spend roughly 1/3 of this life asleep, I wonder to what ends can these curious powers lead us to? - Just a random thought I've be regularly thinking about this last week or so, and intersted in any insights or comments you may have.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Grand Illusions

I had a dream last night where I ran into Superguy unexpectedly. "Wow, how are you!?" I asked excitedly. ...I don't remember his immediate response, but we discussed this blog and how important it was that I post something new. This is strange because I've been meaning to post what follows for about 5 days now. Anyway, I hope this will be as interesting to some of you as it is to me.

Of all the things in this world that interest me, I have to say that puzzles and illusions are among my favorites. There are some clever Brits that have put together a pretty nerdy website that I've been visiting off and on for a while now. They explain many mysteries through articles and links to valuable research, and have come up with some of their own through fascinating gadgets and toys (all of which can be purchased through their website). One such illusion I thought Bach would find particularly interesting is their explanation of "The Moon Illusion". While Superguy may want to add this unusual math technique to his bag math skills. I'm sure everyone will enjoy the seemingly endless variety of stuff this site has to offer.

I made a visit to the doctor yesterday to find out why my throat was still red, swollen and full of canker sores, and didn't clear up after all the antibiotics and stuff. (I'm going on day 17 now.) He took a look, recoiled in surprise and said "Ooh, ow ow ow!" He explained that my "canker sores" had actually become ulcers; one covering my entire Uvula (the dangly thing in the back of the throat", one next to it, and the other two off to the sides where my jaw meets my throat. And the cause of all this: Stress. That's why the anibiotics didn't work, nor will they work. The Doc gave me a piece of paper with a formula I could whip up at home that coats the sores and sooths the pain, but it's just going to have to run it's course. I've debated about whether or not to post a picture of my throat. Leave your votes in the form of comments. See you guys later, enjoy the website!

Still alive and in crisis

I am still here and kicking for the most part. I made a post on my site about the crisis in my title. I found a poem that gives me some hope. Here is a piece of it

Turn to the Father

He is the one, that we can turn to
He is the one always there for you
Turn to the Father
All ye who hurt
He will help you
He will raise you up from the dirt
There is light when he is near
No more darkness left to fear
Turn to the Father and to his Son
Receive of their peace for Redemption is come

Marcus Richards

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Unofficial Plans

The end of the summer is nigh, and my time and effort have proved rewarding. Difficult and stressful, yet worthwhile. Melanie and I are moving back to Cedar for the fall to attend school, then to northern Utah in December to be closer to her OB/GYN. We will live there for a while (maybe a year or two) while we figure out our next step. That next step might be a move to Washington or Oregon, or we may decide to stay close to the Salt Lake valley. We are pretty much done with school after the fall semester, me graduating with a GE degree and Melanie with a degree in PE. We spend a lot of time together making family plans, discussing financial challenges, and making sketches and designs for our dream home. (We're young and realize it may be decades before that dream is realized, but it's our way of having fun together: building it first on paper.)
This is a humbling experience, being an un-insured young-and-broke married couple with a baby on the way who may not have a place to stay by the end of the month, but this is also a very fun time to be alive. We've been blessed with so much, and we've had so many good experiences so far. We're so thankful to have friends like you guys, and be able to be a part of all that we are. Being uncomfortable while stretching to achieve difficult goals has been bringing us happiness and helped us grow. ...that's an intersting thought: If character had appearence, whould it have stretch-marks? Anyway, that's the up and up with Melanie and I for the next while. Have a good week everyone!

Monday, August 6, 2007


I'm kind of in the same spot as antares, do I make my posts here or at my own blog? I've just created a book list at which contains books that I have read or would like to read. I'm looking for suggestions for additions to the "to read" part of the list. I suppose I'm in Superguy's shoes too, asking for contributions. Gee... it's no wonder we all get along. On that note, thanks for all your comments on my idea which I posted on my blog. I shall consider all that was said and hopefully put a killer plan into action before too long.

Idea Shout Out

Hey guys I am tracking traffic on my finance blog now and I want to get the word out so I can see the numbers climb and feel like I am sharing some information that might be helpful to people. I wanted to ask you guys for questions that you might have or others might have that I can respond to. Also, if you visit my site drop a comment or two so I know people are not just visiting but maybe getting something from my posts. I would also appreciate it if you let people know about the site and tell them to leave comments especially if they have questions on specific topics. I know that there is a "market" for these topics among young adults and especially among couples. So let me know what you think. Thanks

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Life and everything

Well summer has been interesting just taking time off and having some fun with my laptop and the internet. I can't wait to get back to school and work so I can be putting money back in the bank again. Gwen is crawling and climbing now and I wouldn't be surprised to see her walking in the next few months. Jane is doing well and we are set for another year in our apartment. I am not sure if I have said most of this before and if I have I apologize. I added a new post to my blog I don't get it that often, but my finance blog is growing and I am enjoying adding to that. Just thought I would check in, I am still around and frequently check the blog so thanks for everyone's contributions.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Down for Days

Last Saturday afternoon I had a sore throat, by Monday it was a major Infection. I went to the Doctor, he gave me some stuff, and for the last Three Days I haven't been able to swallow food, talk, blow my nose, cough, yawn, burp, or any other functions that require the use of your throat! It's the most Painful experience I've had in my entire life! I've been able to drink fluids, but only with extreme pain. After a Priesthood blessing, and taking the last three days off of work to rest, I can now do mostly everything a normal person can do. (Most importantly, I am back to work!) I'm still on Pain-killers to keep me concious, but I'm doing so much better now.

I'm happy to see Ked's joined us! I should be heading back to Cedar around the 24th or 25th. We'll just have to see how my team is doing and if they need to work an extra day or two. Either way we'll be back in our own ward that Sunday, and ready for classes Monday. (yipee.) Ta-Ta for now!
-Sickman in WY

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Ben and I just went over to Cedar High to get some free pizza with a CyberCorps thing that was happening today. It was fun to go see that the program has grown quite a bit from our high school days and it is interesting to look back so far in time and think about the way things were. It was fun and who knows maybe I will sneak off tomorrow as well.