Monday, August 8, 2011

Ancient writings above Cedar?

Not to fill your inbox with things from me, but since we don't have internet at our apt. I can only get on so much at a time.

Have you guys ever been to the supposed ancient writings in the hills above the golf course? They don't look that ancient, but I've been doing some research lately. Apparently one man has discovered 24 sites with similar markings across 6 or 7 different states here in the west. In Utah there are sites in Fillmore, Cedar, Manti, and Nephi. Just wondered if you guys have ever heard about them. Maybe I'll post pictures later.


  1. I've seen them!

    Superguy and I both went as a field trip with our 5th grade class. Kinda cool, pretty fake looking though. I had no idea it had sibling sites, that would be interesting to see.

  2. I have seen the Fillmore ones as well. I have heard that the ones in Cedar are fakes, but I am not sure who the best living resource to discuss it with would be.

  3. Yes, they are really hoaky looking, but seeing as there are now 25 (someone found another one recently) different sites it makes you wonder what they are. Also, a guy took a photo of the Fillmore ones in the late 20s and back then they were all covered with lichens. I don't believe there is some great treasure to behold, just curious. A man who has been to all the sites talked with Indian tribes who said they've been there for a long time. There are supposed to be some out by Lund. Maybe we should take a picnic sometime. Or we could go make some ourselves, weather them up, and put miracle grow on them to make the lichen populations go skyrocketing. :)


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