I interviewed a retired Ogden City detective, an VERY old friend of my Mom's who has actually been down in the tunnels decades ago, and many others to try to find a lead into these mysterious passageways under 25th Street. After calling the Mayor and digging through committee lists, I found someone who is not only passionate about the tunnels, but has done extensive research on them. He is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable person on this subject, and is one of the few that business owners on 25th street will allow to explore whatever entryways he can find! I've spoken with this man, and he has agreed to meet with any and all of us who wish to explore this exciting part of Ogden's history.
I'm sure everyone else is thinking of the same word I am right now: Documentary. If not us, who? If not within the next month, when? Would this not be the perfect project to help Ben build some business, and pull us together as a group again? I know that "sun dance" has been buzzing in some of our minds for a while, wouldn't this be a great entry? Ked and I are going to go explore them with our guide anyway, I just want to see if this is something we can turn into another excellent Nerd Herd adventure... maybe even for a profit. Just something for everyone to consider.