Saturday, March 31, 2012

Man Camp and Psychology

In relation to the last post. There are two great hikes in Kanarraville. The one at the south end of town where you don't have to cross water that much. And the falls trails where you are always crossing the water or in water. I would like to explore both more. Those would be great options as we wouldn't have to drive very far.

In relation to psychology in the title: I have lots of random hobby topics that I research and one of those is psychology things. I have often wondered why I am the way I am--not that I believe psychology can answer all those things or that it provides the understanding of the origin either, but they have excellent research that I tie in with spiritual understanding. Sometimes I have found something about myself either by experience or even something mentioned in my patriarchal blessing and I can google those things and learn a lot.

All this is typed on the fly, so my thoughts aren't too organized. I should have given a ramble alert.

One thing I've learned about is the high sensation seeking trait. Some people are wired so that they need more sensation. There are a variety of outlets for these people--good and bad. Bad outlets: drugs, crime, sex, etc. Good outlets: adventure, travel, creativity, etc. I have always explored my surroundings. From my first neighborhood I would venture out into the fields and explore for miles around. Same thing in Cedar, in Provo, and in Cedar again. I need to see new canyons, caves, peaks, valleys, etc. I have also channeled some of this into creativity. Exploring new ideas, stories, images, and sounds is fascinating as well. Yet, I can't do just one of those things. I always yearn to travel in the real world and in the imaginary.

Now, psychology might say that I was born this way or that my brain became wired this way as I grew up, yadda, yadda, yadda. I believe that this is part of who I was before I was born. My stake president told me "Your mission will be a great adventure." Inspired words. I think Heavenly Father said the same thing to me when I came down to earth. There are things for me to explore here in this life. However, some of these things I explore for others as well.

That's why I adventure. That's why I travel. That's why I dress up in silly costumes, talk in accents, jump off things, climb things, make up stories, imagine crazy things. I think that's all for now. I'm hungry.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting comment - I have to say it lines up with my observed experience.

    Most people I know who would be considered "adventurous" or otherwise "high-sensation seeking" like spicy food. The most direct example of contrast between the two types is my Mother and Father - My mom scores about a 1 on the adventuresome personality scale, and the adventure of going into town to do the weekly shopping is about all she can take. My dad on the other hand rates a 9 or 10 on that same scale, all the way up to his round-the-world trip on $2,000.

    My mother thinks that plain white rice with nothing on it is the greatest food in the world (even thinking that putting a little butter on it ruins it), and my dad thinks that rice is only a necessary component to his favorite Indian and Thai dishes.

    I see myself having "moods" or cycles between adventurous living and stay-at-home living, and I have noticed that my tastes change during that time. Whenever I get home from a backpacking trip or a mountain biking trail, the first thing I cook up is a pot of curry, wether it is of the Japanese, Thai, or Indian variety. My opinion is that curry is in the running for the greatest food ever, and while I love to eat it any time, I tend to eat it more during the times when I am feeling more adventurous.

    So which one is better? I can't imagine not enjoying a big bowl of curry or going on a train-hopping trip every once in a while, but at the same time I envy a life where I get all the fun I need out of renting a DVD and cooking some plain white rice... as always I think the right answer is "whatever makes you happy!"

    Interesting stuff!

    Now I am the hungry one - I think I am going to go cook some curry.


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