Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I decided to contribute to Wikipedia again this year I figure I use it on pretty much a daily basis I should show my support.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Run on Sentence
My life has been very strange the past couple of weeks and I think I finally figured out a good analogy to explain something of what I feel and that is that my days bleed together like some sort of run on sentence not stopping properly not pausing not giving any room for a new plot twist just on and on in an inescapable spiral of stuff whether good or bad it is all the same and there you are in the middle wondering what has happened and why you can't seem to do what you used to be able to do because the time is gone and yet it hasn't changed or has it and such and such and ...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Blog Updates
Hello everyone. I wanted to let you all know that our blog has a communication feature that we can receive emails when a new post is made and it has been turned on for your email addresses. Also, if you would like to be able to post to the blog using email you are able to do that through the blogger settings. You should be able to set up blogging by text message as well. With these additional features I hope we can all improve our communication a bit. Good luck
Thursday, November 18, 2010
rumored pre t-giving bash
Hello everybody,
Got a couple questions.
1) Anybody listening?
2) We talked at Ked's reception about getting together right before Thanksgiving. Is such an activity still on the books?
Got a couple questions.
1) Anybody listening?
2) We talked at Ked's reception about getting together right before Thanksgiving. Is such an activity still on the books?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The dearth is over???
Well, I experience afternoon burn out quite often lately. There is a lot to be done, but at the same time some of it just has to wait. I am looking at lots of improvements, but each of them has a different time line attached and when the time comes to start it seems laborious to start a new thing. Hope everyone is doing well and maybe if we get looking at this blog again we will be able to revive some communication. I will plan to do my part.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Old fashioned Belt Buckle
Hey everyone! Do any of you know anyone (including yourself) that has a big brass belt buckle like what the mountain men or trappers would have worn? I'm just looking around. :) Gotta run. THanks guys!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Remembering 6 7 and 8
I've been crunching my brain trying to remember classmates and events from 6th, 7th and 8th grade and it's trickier than I thought it would be. It's amazing to me that most of the people I remember were classmates over several years and through high-school. Carlin Walser is probably the only exeption, only knowing him from 7th and 8th grade. And what ever became of Mr. Rassmussen? (Chris?) I didn't ever get to know him that well, probably because I really didn't get excited about band until our Sophmore and Junior years of High School.
Anyway, just thought I'd share what's been on my mind. I'm also super excited about our new windows. ...and dissapointed with Alice In Wonderland. I've been busy at work, mostly doing computer inventory for all of our operations and offering support internationaly. Business is also good, I'm growing and learning. I'm learning Spanish, reading good books and learning the hard way what it really takes to be a good Varsity coach. :)
...Those are the basics. See you 'round.
Anyway, just thought I'd share what's been on my mind. I'm also super excited about our new windows. ...and dissapointed with Alice In Wonderland. I've been busy at work, mostly doing computer inventory for all of our operations and offering support internationaly. Business is also good, I'm growing and learning. I'm learning Spanish, reading good books and learning the hard way what it really takes to be a good Varsity coach. :)
...Those are the basics. See you 'round.
Friday, April 2, 2010
I need a salesman
So I have been developing my skills as a programmer on iPhone OS and all that. I am pretty good at it and have some good ideas for future apps. I have a good idea of who I want to sell to, I just can’t really get myself to make the sales calls. I guess my enthusiasm and morale have dropped and I don’t know how to get past the slump. If anyone knows someone who would like to make a few extra bucks making sales calls let me know and maybe I will be able to keep programming yet.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
9, and counting.
9 years?! Has it really been that long since we were Seniors in High School!? I think about it quite often because next year it will have been 10 years since graduation and the sealing of our time capsule. This also means our 10 year high school reunion is on the horizon! It's a weird anxiety I have, trying to be "successful" before seeing our old classmates. Perhaps I'm just puffed up with pride, It's hard to know when you're looking from the inside out. In my optimistic mind I perceive it as a healthy and obtainable goal demanding personal growth and responsibility, yet to many it may seem like a prideful ambition tied to money. This has always seemed highly debatable to me.
Is it reasonable to claim that the determining factor whether a desire is good or bad is found in the underlying motive behind the desire? It seems that would certainly be sound thinking. I recognize that "Success" encompasses more than just finances, it's overcoming any variety of challenge. But I'm going to be referring to financial success for this example. If someone wants to be "successful" so they appear to somehow be better than others, I would say that's prideful in nature. However, if someone wants to be "successful" so they can become interdependent (sharing their abundance) to bless more lives than their own in the world, I would say that's very horable in nature. And then of course there are those who declare that any desire for increase in any aspect of life is unholy and disrespectful. (I believe those people are blessed with a pessimistically humble attitude, and I don't agree with them.) I guess my true fear isn't how WELL other classmates percieve me to be, but how prideful I will appear to be to my friends because of said "Success". Is that even a valid concern? ...? (Gotta end here, I've got to get off the bus. Literally not metephorically.)
Is it reasonable to claim that the determining factor whether a desire is good or bad is found in the underlying motive behind the desire? It seems that would certainly be sound thinking. I recognize that "Success" encompasses more than just finances, it's overcoming any variety of challenge. But I'm going to be referring to financial success for this example. If someone wants to be "successful" so they appear to somehow be better than others, I would say that's prideful in nature. However, if someone wants to be "successful" so they can become interdependent (sharing their abundance) to bless more lives than their own in the world, I would say that's very horable in nature. And then of course there are those who declare that any desire for increase in any aspect of life is unholy and disrespectful. (I believe those people are blessed with a pessimistically humble attitude, and I don't agree with them.) I guess my true fear isn't how WELL other classmates percieve me to be, but how prideful I will appear to be to my friends because of said "Success". Is that even a valid concern? ...? (Gotta end here, I've got to get off the bus. Literally not metephorically.)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Problem with Cash
I've recently been called on, again, to help a friend in need financially. I've done so on many occassions and have learned a lesson that many people go through life not ever really understanding. "More money doesn't solve money problems." That may sound incorrect, but the fact is you can give away as much money as you want - to fill someone's needs or not - and the same problems will come their way again.
"Then what does solve money problems, Mr. Know-it-all?" Without this turning into a lecure, let me keep it to a simple answer of "Financial education" and "Personal Development". I wish I knew how to share this with more people. Have a great day my friends - who haven't asked money from me yet. :)
"Then what does solve money problems, Mr. Know-it-all?" Without this turning into a lecure, let me keep it to a simple answer of "Financial education" and "Personal Development". I wish I knew how to share this with more people. Have a great day my friends - who haven't asked money from me yet. :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Real good
Surely there is a way to do real good and be compensated for it monetarily, right? If I'm presented with a path to riches which doesn't involve doing much good for anybody, is the money worth it? Is the money worth it if I use it to support a more helpful, less profitable project perhaps?
It's beginning to look like "good money for good product" is old-fashioned idealism. Many of the most helpful things (to me, at least) on the Internet are free, like Wikipedia and Google searches. If I was to create something with that level of usefulness, how would I pay my mortgage and fix the Gremlin?
Money. Bah.
It's beginning to look like "good money for good product" is old-fashioned idealism. Many of the most helpful things (to me, at least) on the Internet are free, like Wikipedia and Google searches. If I was to create something with that level of usefulness, how would I pay my mortgage and fix the Gremlin?
Money. Bah.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Happy Macheist Blogging
So I just got done with a fun purchase from macheist.com and I am trying out MacJournal. They said in the description that I should be able to blog with this program and I am thinking that might be a neat use for it. It also allows for keeping a personal journal etc. I am excited to give it a shot. If you have a mac I would seriously consider this MacHeist bundle great price and if we get to 50,000 people we get Tales of Monkey Island fun game from a great series. So it worked and I am now updating to see if that works, and it does my friends this is a sweet program.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
For a bit of software with as much development muscle behind it as blogger has, you would think it could distinguish between the number 1 and all the other numbers, then make "comment" singular or not. In fact, here you go blogger folks, the fix in one line:
$commentLabel = ($numComments == 1) ? "comment" : "comments";
And if you don't use PHP, I know that Java has an equivilant. ASP and C++ ought to, but I don't know. If doing it server-side is a big deal, here's a client-side, Javascript implementation, using my native jQuery:
$('span.comment-link').each(function() {
var numComments = $(this).html().split(" ")[0];
if(parseInt(numComments) == 1) {
$(this).html(numComments + " comment");
else {
$(this).html(numComments + " comments");
That oughtta do it. It's not tested though, so use it at your own risk.
Anyway, I'll be moving development of my book over to my personal blog. My intent was to generate some sort of traffic over here, make something interested that would help people want to come around every so often, but I don't think it quite fits.
All the best to you all,
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Chapter One: Snow
The wind howled deafeningly. Snow swirled through the forest as if the spirit of the sky itself was falling, unable to resist the tempestuous fury. Everything in the forest with life had taken refuge as best as it could. Animals lay deep in the backs of their burrows and thickets, birds clung to their nests. Only the trees were left exposed, forced to stand against the fury, or bend to the wind.
The forest was not unaccustomed to storms, but this one was remarkable. It seemed to Dren that the storms in Lockewood Forest were getting worse lately. From where he sat he could see almost nothing but the driving snow through the mouth of the little cave. He had been out hunting when the storm seemed to fall upon the forest all at once, without warning. The rabbit he had been tracking had led him directly to the cave, which had been formed at the bend of a now dry creek. As Dren had made his way into the cave, the rabbit had scurried up in to the knot of tree roots and soil that made the roof of the cave and disappeared.
He never actually captured anything, he didn't even have much of a weapon. There was almost no chance of his home-made bow being strong enough to drive an arrow into an animal's hide, and his arrows didn't fly straight enough to aim. He mostly liked following the animals, finding out how close he could get to them before they trotted away. It was a good way to escape the pressures of the constant schooling, training, and chores which seemed to occupy fully his real life. He was 15 years old, in the first year of his apprenticeship as a bookkeeper. Dren enjoyed his training, partly because of the break in routine from school. Instead of going to 7 classes a day in subjects he didn't always find meaningful with other children who, would rather be somewhere else, he could now spend at least half of his days doing something he found interesting around people who seemed to like the things they were doing. The downside was that he had less time to himself. As a simple school student, he had had a couple more hours each day to explore the forest. Now that his outings were more rare, and often cut short, there were even more important to him. The forest was his best friend and had heard all his deepest secrets, dreams, and fears.
He had been able to come hunting today because it was a festival day and the schools and businesses were closed. There was to be a parade, and Dren wondered how the festivities were faring in the unexpected early winter storm. He looked out into the whiteness, trying to decide if the storm was lifting. He thought he could see some trees across the riverbed, and the wind seemed to be calming down. He thought he might start back to town when he saw a somebody moving through the whiteness. The gray figure was walking with the wind at its back, wearing what seemed to be a long, hooded cloak. Dren began to shuffle his way to the mouth of the cave, concerned that one of the townsfolk was lost in the white-out. Dren knew the woods very well, and was deeper than he believed most people ventured unless hunting or gathering wood. As he stepped out of the cave, he marveled that the wind and snow had stopped nearly as suddenly as it had began, and the sun was already pressing its way through the lifting clouds. Dren looked around for the figure but saw no one in any direction. He looked on the ground and saw no tracks in the snow except for his own behind him, leading from the cave. He climbed up the river bank and looked around again, but saw only fresh snow, trees, and some bits of bushes the wind must have blown around. Shrugging his shoulders, Dren turned down the hill had began the walk home.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
In the Name of the 10th
You are all invited to join Bach and I in St. George for a Brazilian Churrasco Dinner at "Made in Brazil". This commemoration of 10 years of "Herding" may even be paid for if it can be arranged in the short term. Give me the month you can make it and then we will work on establishing the day. It has been proposed that other celebrations could coincide such as St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Tax Day or other such lovely occasions. Please respond forthwith.
Sir Hungry Guy
Sir Hungry Guy
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The chronicles of Mark Clemens, Part I
"The best way to overcome writer's block is to simply write. The best way to overcome writer's block is to simply write. But write what?" Mark loved pens. He liked nice pens. Good, sturdy, substantial pens with a nice, clean, thin line. He had a thing for tools of just about any kind, but there was a special place in his heart for quality pens. Any time something important happened in the modern world, pens were present. The pen was the instrument that finalized virtually every agreement between people, companies, and countries. Pens had started and ended wars, countries, families, countries, friendships, treaties, and imaginary worlds. Mark loved to feel the power of undefined possibility embodied in a simple cylinder with ink in it, to imagine what that simple object could somehow do. Imagining was one thing, however, getting all that stuff out was a challenge he hadn't quite anticipated.
"Just write," he thought. The pen was on the paper. The little ball had set down a .7 mm dot of ink and was waiting to roll itself around to lay down some more. "No thought is totally random," Mark thought. "Every crystal starts somewhere, on something. Trees have seeds. Ideas need inspiration." He did not suffer from a shortage of ideas, that was for sure. His head was swimming with nonsensical bits of fantasy and fact that would not stick to one another. He tried to reach out and grab a piece, but each time he did it seemed to swim away out of reach.
Mark took the pen off of the paper, leaving the little black dot sitting between the first and second lines on his first sheet of college ruled paper. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, giving up on trying to push his thoughts around. As he relaxed, the bits of ideas seemed to swirl a little slower in his vast mental soup. Mark imagined he was watching from a distance, a sort of storm chaser on the hunt for tornadoes. He'd spotted an impressive one and was waiting to see what it was going to do. If he looked closely he could see each individual particle swirling around and around, propelled by a force that was itself invisible. He began to realize that the particles were slowing down, and when he looked at the whole tornado again, it had began to take a different, not yet definable, shape. Mark watched, trying to make sense of the form. The swirling slowed even more as the form defined itself. All at once, Mark was sprinting towards it with all the energy he had. The shape did not flee, but waited for him. He leaped the last few feet and tackled the thing, holding it tightly in his harms. His eyes flew open, he sat up. He picked up the pen, put it back on the paper, and began to write.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Weekly Post: Free Grand Slam
So I decided that with the revival of the blog that I was going to commit to a weekly post. As for a subject how does free food sound? Denny's is hosting a free grand slam day tomorrow 6am-2pm be there or be square.
Well I won't quite leave it at that. Life is a complicated process and things have been weighing heavily on me lately, I am hoping to bring about some more changes in my life, but also am looking at helping business improve.
Best wishes to all of you and I hope you make it to 27 as I have now done.
Well I won't quite leave it at that. Life is a complicated process and things have been weighing heavily on me lately, I am hoping to bring about some more changes in my life, but also am looking at helping business improve.
Best wishes to all of you and I hope you make it to 27 as I have now done.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Oh boy
What an adventure.
Life continues to be unpredictable in most ways except for the most critical. I have employment that is sufficient for our needs, a solid family, lots of support from family, friends and neighbors, and we go to Church every week. These are the things I can count on. Everything else, however, is always a mystery.
I have employment. Where that employment is at any given moment is often a surprise. Superguy said he's working at Mishap Studios. I'm not. That's right, the entrepreneur in me (just as I learned how to spell that very odd word), decided to take a break, step back, and assess what it means to be an entrepreneur, and revise my philosophy on the topic. So now I have a job. Strangely enough, many of those ideas that I had always associated with business ownership, like "freedom" and "financial independence," turned out to be almost completely absent from the position I held. To complete the irony, I have both of those things in greater abundance in my current position than I had when I was a co-owner of my own company. I'll probably go back to entrepreneurism some day, but I'll do it right next time. Ha ha. Mishap continues, however, and I wish them, and Superguy, the best out there.
I have a solid family. The dynamics thereof are always in flux as kids grow and personalities develop, and "phases" come and go. Child number 1 is absolutely 100% (or more) girl. She's so princess-ey that I wonder how she could come from tom-boy Ashley or mucky-farmer me. I can attest that the Nature side of the equation holds its own well. Number 2, on the other hand, is all boy. Fingers in food, dirt in hair, snow (of any color of the rainbow) in mouth. Tret is as high-maintenance as 7-month-olds usually are, but is cute enough to make up for it. And Ashley has what Bro. Christensen at the Institute would call the Egyptian Flu. That's where you're sick for 9 months and then turn in to a mummy. Due for complete (re)-mummification around the end of September. This disease is always an adventure.
This sounds rather like a Christmas letter.
I was digging through some stuff my Mom pulled out of her attic and left in my garage (because I guess since I have a basement to put it in she wants her house back), and I found three copies of the map to the time capsule. It does say, very clearly, that it is to be retrieved in 2011 (not 2006). My-oh-my how time files. Could've been last week that we pulled it down prematurely. But that's enough of that.
Hope this blog works out better this time. And I hope you are all doing well. Keep in touch.
To Ked: She asked me directly if I knew any eligible guys. I'm not becoming a "get this guy married off" kind of person. Just thought you should know. And she's nice.
Monday, February 1, 2010
My dear fellow Herd members I wish all of you a happy 10th anniversary of Herd-dom. Since I don't have any date of creation I will simply say that 10 years ago this "school year" we formed a lasting establishment whose web presence has been lying dormant for pretty much a year. I am calling out to you now to reestablish this link through this blog.
As an update from me I am in Cedar City after a difficult decision to move back and working with Mishap Studios as an office manager and iPhone programmer. I hope to make progress with them and inroads in my self education of programming. I have two apps currently available on the app store and hope for many more in the future.
Please rejoin us as we embark on a second decade of existence. As a few more milestones I connected to this "school year" 15 years since 6th grade a year I met Nathan and Bach. As I said 10 since our organization, 5 now since the last of us returned from his mission coinciding with first of us embarking on his next mission. Many other milestones have been etched on all of our memories some of those more clear than others. Let us go forward continuing to make memories together.
As an update from me I am in Cedar City after a difficult decision to move back and working with Mishap Studios as an office manager and iPhone programmer. I hope to make progress with them and inroads in my self education of programming. I have two apps currently available on the app store and hope for many more in the future.
Please rejoin us as we embark on a second decade of existence. As a few more milestones I connected to this "school year" 15 years since 6th grade a year I met Nathan and Bach. As I said 10 since our organization, 5 now since the last of us returned from his mission coinciding with first of us embarking on his next mission. Many other milestones have been etched on all of our memories some of those more clear than others. Let us go forward continuing to make memories together.
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