Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Herd History

Talking with Bach earlier I realized that we are getting up towards our 10 year anniversary as a Herd and I thought I could start a special project related to that. For the project I will need everyone to be working on sending me information/stories that you have or want to write and I will compile it. For example it would be nice if everyone recounted their version of the establishment of the club independently and I could sort through the indescrepancies and get a clear view of things. Also, really helpful would be period information of journals, emails, photos or the like. I have some things, but I think unforunately for emails I won't have the pre mission stuff. I have catalogued the original yahoo group and other web collaborations we have done so that is nice and most anything contemporary I have pretty good records. Please let me know your thoughts and get me info so I can start with this, it is going to take the time I have before the actual anniversary. (Oh and if anyone knows when that is let me know)

Super Guy
(Self Styled Herd Historian)

1 comment:

  1. I like it! Thanks Abe for taking the initiative. Whatever it is, I'll treasure it forever. Good luck.


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