Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Resurrecting Saddam

Benjamin--they killed Saddam.  We can't get him back.

Funny thing, I was just going to assert myself as well and declare a bunch of things, when I saw that I had a new email. Sure enough, James beat me to it. I was even going to say do your own lunch. That's what I get for going to help with the baby.  j/k

Three things I would like addressed:

1st: I think we need our own firewood. I can bring this, if we can fit it in the truck.

2nd: Utensils, paper plates? I can bring these for the group as well. (unless we do mess kits, but I lost mine ages ago)

3rd: Is there room to tie my bike on top of our junk? I kind of want to be semi-mobile for my own reasons. Maybe I should have made a deal about bringing 1 and 2 if I could bring 3.


  1. 1. I see no problem fitting this in the truck if you would like to bring it.
    2. Good catch on the utensils and paper-plates - I'll let you be assistant dictator.
    3. I would like to bring my own bike as well - lets plan on making room. Abe, would you be able to deposit the bikes somewhere safe in the event they can't make it onto the gear?

  2. I will bring my mom's truck as well so we will be able to fit some things in that. I think meeting at the church by my moms is a good option as well. She has some coolers and things we can borrow as well if needed.

    I have a couple bags of marshmallows so people know and I can cover the firewood as I have a pile ready to go as does my mom. I actually have the utensils and paper plates as well.

    So I will cover all of assistant Ked's demands. :)

  3. Everyone keeps taking my assignments! I will bring Canasta. Everyone have $20 to bet with.
    Ok, I'll get Ben's old assignments of peppers & such. Capiche?


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