Friday, May 18, 2012

Another Thing

One very public thing in the gay marriage debate recently was the announcement by President Obama that he supported gay marriage.

One point he made in his interview was interesting. He mentioned his daughters and how facing the prospect of explaining to them why their friends parents couldn't be married prompted a rethink of his "position". When I first heard that I took it to mean that because it was going to be hard to explain that he then changed his position. What a sad world we live in if that is how are president would approach a situation. After thinking it over however I came to a much more optimistic conclusion that when faced with explaining the situation to his daughters he reflected and then "admitted" that he had a different position on the topic.

If we can't explain something or aren't able to try there is a good chance we don't believe it and we are simply being honest with ourselves and others when we acknowledge that. It is good that he has been honest but sad that he has that position. Because there are valid reasons to think as he did before that civil unions can be brought to an equitable point with the proper time and effort.

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