Monday, February 25, 2008


Remember when...
We all thought Ked would be the first to be married?

Remember when...
Most of us thought we knew where we were going in life?

"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley"
-Robert Burns, "To a Mouse"


  1. I always found it interesting - among other things - that the popular kids in High School turn out to be the Duds later in life, and visa-versa. I've been trying to find a universal rule-of-thumb to explain such Ironies, but perhaps the best explination is "the last shall be first, and the first shall be last."

    Balance; life's double edged sword.

  2. Are you saying I'm a dud!! SHUT UP! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!

    Just kidding. :> I just watned to say it.

    I'm currently friends with Emily Workman on facebook. But I haven't really talked to her yet.

  3. You'll Never be a dud, (you're the exception to that rule.)


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