Thursday, May 8, 2008

We didn't really go to the Moon

Ok, I'm just kidding about that, but did you ever see that TV show where they showed the shadows and evidence against a moon trip? Funny stuff.
I thought I'd drop in because it's been a little dead in here these days. Currently I am working two jobs. I am still a diligent custodian but I've received an internship with the Rollins Center for E-Business, writing their newsletter. So far they haven't given me much to do. Soon, I hope, I'll be writing a few articles a month about the fascinating world of E-business.
I am planning several trips over the summer, most of them scaled down from giant glob-trotting extravaganzas. Sometimes, you have to be more realistic and understand that there are bills to pay, even though they haven't come yet. So far I am going camping to Vernal next week, going to Nevada in early June, LA in late June, which will include a wedding reception and Disneyland (not combined). Then I have a friend who is planning a trip to her house in Mexico, which I plan on attending.
To fill up my other time I am playing and socializing a lot, reading, hiking, etc. I am reading Les Miserables, the unabridged version, which is 1200 pages long, but very good.
Oh YEAH! I almost forgot! It is sad to say that the mighty have fallen. For over three and a half years I have lived without a cell phone in my life. It has been bliss. Now my apartment complex is cutting off the land line so I had to get one. The only way I was really going to get one was if I was on a family plan and I am now.
My phone number is: 435-559-0388
Feel free to give me a jingle.
That's all for now. Ta ta 'til tea time!


  1. And when, pray tell, might tea time be?

  2. Tea time is at 2:00 pm sharp out on the west lawn under the willow tree.


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