Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas is upon us

Oh, boy! Did last month go by too quickly for anyone else besides me? It's already well into December, and we're getting closer to Christmas time. Melanie and I will be moving up north to Layton next week, and we will probably live there for two years or so. This summer we've decided to go to the curious land of Mini-appleless in Minnesota for Living Scriptures. Until then, I'll be growing my PPL Business as usual. It's been a blessing to be able to take 3 to 4 months away from business without it affecting our income or jeopardizing my ability to come back and still work for the company after the summer. (I could take years off if I really wanted to) I'm also thinking of taking up a part-time sales position at a car dealership or something, whatever will fit my time frame. So that's the plan for the Youngs, what's new for you guys?


  1. We've of course moved back out to the Enoch side of the valley, and we're working on figuring out how to keep our house warm. Yesterday we lit the 50-or-so year old wall heater and it didn't burn the house down. Horray. I'm working on starting a video production company with a couple of guys that live out here, and that looks like it will have some good potential for us. I hope to have some time in the spring/summer/fall to finish school.
    Happy moving, Youngs, and if you need help loading stuff give me a call!

  2. Well, I haven't moved since April. I am going to be writing for the University newspaper next semester. I registered for the Canyonlands Half marathon. It is a lottery and I will find out in a few days if I get in or not.
    I am currently looking for a summer job in Thailand. I want to go back, work, build language skills, work on some personal projects, etc.
    Other than that...I read. I write. I go to the lake. I love long walks on the beach, etc.
    That's my life!


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