Thursday, November 8, 2007

So if I make it part of my routine

I have been thinking and if I decide to make blogging a part of my daily routine I may just have a chance at making regular contributions. Things have been going pretty well lately although the fiasco of this last week was quite obnoxious.  I was supposed to take the GRE Physics test last Saturday, but lo and behold the proctors did not show.  I don't need the test exactly so I figured I would just ask for a refund and now I am seeing what happens with that.  I still get to take the GRE General test and we will see how that goes but I do feel a lot more comfortable with that.  Well that is my fun adventure for the last week.  Hope everyone is doing alright catch you later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had that theory once, that if I made blog writing part of my routine than it might actually get done. I discovered, however, that with children around a routine becomes more of an ideal than a reality. I have a hard enough time getting my scriptures read in the morning before the kids wake up (and sometimes as they are crawling all over my lap).

  3. i am getting a little bit better perspective about the possibilities of posting more often and just to let everyone know most of my posts will be on my personal blog.


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