Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Harnessing a Creative Power

I've always been fascinated with how and why we dream what we dream. I don't understand it, but some people have very vivid and lengthy dreams every single night (like me), while others never seem to remember anything except for the nightmare they had last year. I've always believed that dreams can be special, and that there must be some way to develop the mind's capacity for dreaming in a way that would be a benefit to us. One way I discovered on my mission is to keep a dream journal next to your bed and write down as much as you can remember first thing each morning. (This also gave me a couple minutes to full wake up so I didn't fall right back asleep while trying to say my morning prayer.) The more I bring those dreams to my conscious mind, I more vivid and lengthy my dreams become. Two nights ago I was watching Ocean's Eleven, and all night long - in my dream - I was planning out a major heist, and organizing a team to pull it off. Lots of action and spy stuff, it was really cool. I'd wake up periodically and invite my brother to join me, or ask Jensen (one of my sales reps) if he wanted me to turn the noise down from my dreams a bit so he could sleep. ...yea, it's kind of funny how real my dreams are sometimes even after I realize it was just a dream. Last night as a part of my dream I was struggling to make a breakfast burrito, and when I woke up I went into the kitchen to finish it only to realize it was just a dream. I dream every night, all night long sometimes.

As I was mentioning earlier, I think there must be a way to harness this creative power of the brain into something more productive. I thoroughly enjoy the ability to be part of such great adventures while I sleep, but I'd much rather use that creativity to solve business problems, receive spiritual guidance, and improve my creativity. Knowing that time is one of our most valuable assets, and that we spend roughly 1/3 of this life asleep, I wonder to what ends can these curious powers lead us to? - Just a random thought I've be regularly thinking about this last week or so, and intersted in any insights or comments you may have.


  1. You know, that is a fascinating point you've brought up. I've read that the brain never really sleeps, that it spends your downtime compiling what happened during the previous day. I've heard that this is the time when memories are moved from short-term to long-term memory. Being able to harness your un-concious brain power to accomplish a goal is an exciting prospect.

  2. This was a neat Nova segment about sleep and memory. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3410/01.html

  3. Cool story Hansel.

    I find several aspects to be interesting when talking of dreams.

    #1 A general authority talked about the gift of dreams one time. That would be quite a handy gift to serve with.
    #2 Dreams help you analyze your psychological issues (esp. ones that you might not confront during the daytime).
    #3 The creative aspect. I can't tell you how many dreams I've had that would make interesting stories or are so unique.
    I have to run and I can't write anymore. Tschus


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