Sunday, July 22, 2007

More Memories

I've carried this one for a while now. It would have been extra spiffy if I were the Sterling Scholar for Social Science, but I remember watching all of you go through all of that telling me how lucky I was to not have to worry about it! Wasn't Charie a Sterling Scholar, too? Abe, are there TWO medallions around your neck? These are questions I could never answer over the years. Maybe someone could clue me in here.

I can't remember too much about this one other than I lost the mechanical watch I was wearing in this picture the following week, and that the matching piano theme was purely coincidental!

And of course, if there is any single image in all my High School experiences that contributed to sore abs and falling downs, this is probably it.

I still get a kick out of it!

Hey, this brings up an interesting idea. Could we use Webatography to make a photo album for this blog instead of posting all of our pictures here?


  1. Dang it. I can never get the spacing right, forgive me on the total waste of space.

    I guess I could also read the previouse posts first, so I don't look like a clown asking questions someone already gave the answers to.

  2. Charie was not a sterling scholar to my recollection, but there were "hanging thingies" for the special diplomas and I think I do have two medallions the other was for above a 3.8 GPA or something similar to that. And of course Eric and I are wearing our mice.

  3. Hey Salesman is that better with the spacing? I went through and cleaned it up a little. I am not fond of the way the blog takes pictures either. If you want me to clean up your earlier one let me know.

  4. Wow, thanks. When I came back to the blog I noticed it was better, but I thought the gremlins in the internet sorted it out for me. (I think it's because of all the cookies I leave for them.)

    If you want to go back and fix my other message you can, it doesn't matter too much to me. Thanks, Abe, for holding the fort down.

  5. No problem I enjoy the editorial aspect of the blog anyway.

  6. Memmmmmory....... All alone in the mooooooonlight........ something like that.

    Aren't photos great? As for the webatography idea, that's fine with me (Abe has an account that I can unlock for unlimited albums for free), but I'm starting to suspect I've built something that has already been done... at least 12 times... and is available for free... like Picassa, and Flickr, and Photobucket...

    *sigh* Great photos though. I'd like to see more!


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