Friday, July 13, 2007

I just need a goal

I find myself looking at these posts and I think to myself good for those guys that are working on something. I dabble here and there but I am at a turning point of decision in the next couple of months. It seems that you guys are a little more organized and have a bit more vision of where you want to be in the future and I am just examining my options still. Still I have had a little more of a feeling of some things I want to accomplish and I doubt I will be a "wealthy" person when all is said and done at least I won't get there by having big paychecks that is. I am happy for you guys that at least have some idea of where you want to be and are working towards it. If you ever need help I am willing to help.


  1. I'm proud to be your friend, Abe. Most people in the world don't need or want an excess of money in their life, for whatever reason they choose. I've heard it said that Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Whatever you choose to do in life, whatever your aims are, don't let anyone tell you that your "ideals" aren't grand enough.

    Most people don't get what they want because they don't know what they want. And so they live, feeling like happiness and success are mutually exclusive. Please don't make the same mistake those 95% do that live through their entire life never feeling like they accomplished anything, then die miserable. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you need to blueprint a pathway to riches, or being viewed by others as a pillar of strength in a needy community, or anything like that. All I'm suggesting is spend some time alone - for as long as you need - some time in the next day or two. Sit down and find out about yourself. (As basic as the following question may seem, they are the most important ones to ask ourselves and ponder about.)

    Ask yourself:
    What do I really enjoy doing?
    What are 10 things I'm truely greatful for? How do I show my gratitude for those things? What strengths have I been blessed with?
    How can I better use those strengths -or- how can I incorporate them into my daily routine? Who are my heros? Are these people ones that I can emulate? How can I become more like them? What kind of example do I want to be for my own kids, family, and others that look to me for strength? How am I doing now?

    Am I in good health? Is good health something I want?

    Do I have strong relationships with family? Friends? Strangers? Others? Are strong relationships important to me?

    Are my finances in order? Do I manage money well? Are good money management skills important to me?
    Do I save for a purpose, or do I save just to save?

    How do I want to be remembered? Do I want to be remembered?

    What do I want to have accomplished in this life?

    It's important to ask yourself these questions regularly, and take daily actions (small and easy is the key here)to improving these areas. Good luck!

  2. I second the last posted opinion... I must say that while I have every intention of being ¨successful¨ defined as having a comfortable amount of money, I remain jealous of those who can achieve true happiness under less than ideal conditions. When we got married, we had a small amount of credit card debt that we carried for a matter of a couple of months, and it was enough to almost send me over the edge. I am talking about a paltry sum, (several hundred dollars) nothing that caused us to miss any payments, and nothing that should have caused any undue amounts of stress.

    I sometimes wish I could move to one of the huts in Argentina and just make lots of babies and live a life of peace and simpleness as many of the natives there do. I am probably lucky that I joined the National Guard before I left on my mission, because that is the only thing that kept me tied down here and doing just that... of course, by the time that enlistment runs out, my wife will take that duty over :-)

    Anyway, happiness is achieved differently by different people, and as long as you are happy in your condition and circumstances, you should consider yourself one of the lucky few in this country (and probably world).


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